This afternoon, I planned to do two things I rarely dowatch daytime TV and iron. I figured one made the other endurable, though really, I’m not sure which one I disdain more. 

Some friends of ours were on Rachael Ray’s talk show today, and since I knew I was going to be out during the segment, last night I asked my son to record it for me.  In the midst of doing all things house and home, I set up the ironing board, rounded up a stack of wrinkled cotton, and scanned the DVR for my show.

Instead of finding Rachael Ray’s talk show, however, Thomas had recorded $40 a Day.  Because many things In My Real Life mirror Seinfeld moments, "The Doll" episode popped in my mind–if you’re a fan, think Kathy Griffin and the wrong barbecue sauce, and if you aren’t a fan, WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?! never mind.

But I digress. 

This is about pre-meditated murder; the weapon of choice?  a stick of lard.  Why does EVERY RECIPE "SHE" USES include at least ONE STICK of BUTTER???  I’ll get to that shortly….

I had already had one glitch in my domestic intentions when I discovered after cleaning the "trap" for our front loading HE washing machine, I HADN’T SCREWED IT BACK IN CORRECTLY AND THE ENTIRE LAUNDRY ROOM FLOOR WAS FLOODED WITH AN INCH OF WATER, but that’s another story, and just cleaning up the mess nearly did me in, adding two extra loads of laundry to tend.

I was bummed about not getting to see Chip and Tracey (thanks to the internets for bailing me out on that one!), so I scanned the guide to see what else was on–there was no way I wasn’t going to iron SOMETHING and I needed a distraction to keep me going.

Well, la-di-dah, my BFF PAULA DEEN was on, cooking up a breakfast that had my mouth watering almost as much as my washer.  And though I haven’t had time to try them out myself, I was compelled to share my favorite with you–a true taste of the South: 

Baked Garlic Cheese Grits

Ah….just the sound of them has me livin’ at altitude again (name the movie reference?).  I’ll be fixin’ these for breakfast the next time we have company…and if I don’t live to tell ya about it, a) you can find Paula in Savannah, and b) I will have "passed" fat, dumb and happy. 


  • 6 cups chicken broth
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 2 cups regular grits
  • 16 ounces Cheddar, cubed
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 4 large eggs, beaten
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter
  • 8 ounces grated sharp white Cheddar

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 4-quart casserole dish.

the broth, salt, pepper, and garlic powder to a boil in a 2-quart
saucepan. Stir in the grits and whisk until completely combined. Reduce
the heat to low and simmer until the grits are thick, about 8 to 10
minutes. Add the cubed Cheddar and milk and stir. Gradually stir in the
eggs and butter, stirring until all are combined. Pour the mixture into
the prepared casserole dish. Sprinkle with the white Cheddar and bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until set.

Worksformewednesdaylogo Note:  check out the episode link for the other Sunday Brunch recipes:  applesauce bread, creamy apple butter and sausage balls.  Click the graphic for TONS of great ideas at Rocks In My Dryer-hosted WFMW.

Photo credit: (I couldn’t find an exact photo, but this is a good representation).

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