{Originally posted on 1/25/08.
I tried over half these recipes and if you're looking
for some FABULOUS Super Bowl Party dishes,
you've hit the mother lode!
Please add YOUR favorite recipes 'cause
I KNOW there are some GREAT ones NOT listed yet!}
Are you looking for some delicious Super Bowl recipes? Some memorable dishes that will make your party, large or small? Snacks, finger foods or entire spreads that satisfy your ravenous, Super Bowl appetite? Well, then…just scroll down to the links below and I think you'll find plenty of what you're looking for.
Feel free to add links to your own recipes or to others you've found on-line…then, whenever you're looking for the recipes, you'll know where to find them the next time!
Hi Robin!
Thanks for hosting. I’ll come back tomorrow after some sleep to check out all the recipes…
Thanks for hosting!
Mine is at:
Good morning! I get the feeling this is going to be delicious!!
Looking forward to adding some new recipes to my cookbook!
Thank you for hosting! This looks like a lot of fun and I can always use new recipes!
Y A W N…
Good mornin’ y’all…
I’m up EARLY to finish writing my (grumblegrumble) recipe…TypePad was FIGHTING me last night on getting photos uploaded, and doggone it, if I went to the trouble of taking them, I’m not going to post without them!
MMmmm, sounds like we’re off to a DELICIOUS start! Can’t wait to visit your wonderful recipes! 🙂
Thanks for hosting, this is fun already. I’ve got several new recipes to try, and sure to get more. I’m looking forward to seeing yours later too – I’ll check in the morning (it is almost midnight here on the 25th, since time-wise we are way ahead of you guys!)
I’ve added my ever-popular Pomegranate Salsa recipe. I know pomegranates are only just barely still in season, but it’s so good that it’s worth having a look around your store’s produce department for the last few.
Thanks for serving up some great recipes!
Looking forward to trying many of these over the days and weeks to come!
I’m looking forward to checking these out!
I can’t wait to read all of these
I SO did it right this time. Have a Snackalicious day!
I’m in! From the look of things, everybody’s gonna have a mighty fine Superbowl feast! MMmmm.
I look forward trying some of these recips. Mine is good as a tart or fixed more pizza style.
I’ve got my virtual cookbook ready to take down some mouthwatering recipes. Thanks for hosting!
Great job Robin! Grate job too! Ha ha. I forgot to add my recipe name after my name but the link goes directly to it. I would have put Festive Texas Dip. 😀
Robin, what a great job! I was gonna make next week’s menu out of these recipes but I think I can make next month’s! Terrific job!
Wow! Thanks for doing this, Robin.
This was a great idea Robin, I’m looking forward to having my tastebuds tantalised.
I’ve listed mine. Sorry I didn’t get photos taken. It would have completed the post, just like yours!! Thanks for hosting this!
Hi Robin – Thanks so much for stopping by. I’ve seen your great event on Beccy’s and Chris’ blog, but assumed I was too late! I have to say I feel like I’ve lost my cooking mojo of late, but let me see if I can come up with something this weekend! I love making snack type food, so maybe we can have a tapas style dinner on Sunday. I’ll keep in touch! Thanks for thinking of me! And yes, those crab cakes are killer and no fat! Oh baby! 😉
Gosh, y’all, we have ended up with some FABULOUS recipes. I’ve read EVERY ONE and hope you’re enjoying doing the same :).
And if anyone’s checking in late, as long as you post a recipe (or link back here) by Sunday, you’re eligible for a cookbook!
Mine’s up. And yours looks super delicious.
Hey!! I made it over to visit:) This looks like a lot of fun:) Does the blog host change every time?
Hey Lori, glad you did :).
“Snackalicious” is a one time thing; “Recipe Round Up” is monthly–follow the link in this post to Rebecca Writes who schedules monthly hosts for it. Hosts get to determine the theme (that’s how I ended up “in charge”…I wanted to do “crowd pleasers”, and my brain went into overdrive, and I took it a step further by tying it to the Super Bowl).
Clear as mud???
Even though I’m late I’m glad I’m participating. I’m going to grab a cup of tea and read through the rest of the participants recipes! Thanks for letting me play Robin!
Hi Robin I decided to gatecrash the party. I’m bringing some goodies so I know you won’t mind!! x
sorry sorry sorry it is so late. Internet access problems!
Looks like there are lots of yummy recipes though. You’ll have to do another one 4th July or something!
Thank you so much for hosting such a great idea!
I’m gonna go and search far and wide to see what everyone has!
Yummmm Fantastic!
Thank for sharing y’all! 🙂
Thanks for doing this! I’m seeing quite a few new recipes I’ll be trying!