"I saw your picture this morning," said an acquaintance at church yesterday.
Me, confused, "WHERE?"
"In the paper, front page of "Diversions" section, BIG picture, above the fold."
We got home, I rifled through the unread Sunday tome, and shazaam! She wasn't exaggerating!
That's me far left (looking ridiculously serious, clearly a glitch in the photographer's timing!), wearing the eggplant sweater-that-I-love, drinking a steamy caramel macchiato I love more, cradling the Macbook I love most!
The first time I've ever attended a writer's group, it won't be the last. It was fun sitting around a group of writers–published and aspiring–just to talk shop. A n d, it gave me the idea of starting a local bloggers group with the same goal in mind–a collaborative conversation among those who speak "blog" (which we ALL know is BOR-ING for the Unbelivers 😉 ).
Are you currently part of a writer's group? Do you have experience about what works and what doesn't? What about a local blogger's group? If I began one, do you have suggestions for getting started? I'd love any and all ideas, even if they come in the form of questions!
I would LOVE to be part of a regular writers group. I was in one in grad school — three of us who met weekly and rotated weeks to be “on” with some writing for the other two to critique. It was incredibly helpful in finishing the dissertation. But now, when I could really benefit from that kind of motivation and accountability, I don’t have one. Any suggestions from you on how to start one would be great! (I’m fine with the academic readers; what I really need are some people to talk with about my other writing projects…) Where did you find interested people?
I don’t know, but you had me at caramel macchiato. Also, I do hope your eggplant sweater has leather elbow patches. Wouldn’t be a writer’s group without some leather elbow patches.
I ran a writer’s group for a long time and I love the idea of bloggers meeting. Wouldn’t that be fun?
I’m part of an online writer’s group. I have an assignment that I really need to get on but I’m preoccupied with… BLISSDOM!!!!!!!!
I have LOVED every writer’s group I’ve known. Each one has its own personality. A bloggers group is even more fascinating bc it would involve not only what an individual post says but also what each post adds to the whole. I would love it if someone would help me hone my blogging goals.
Writers could have a dedicated partner who reads and gives honest feedback about tone, style, voice, and content, and you could easily study other better blogs together, coming up with questions as a group for that better blogger.
You look great in purple! This is such a good idea.
What fun to land in the local paper, Robin! I’ve been in my paper too for decorating stuff & it’s always a thrill. I like your idea of a blogging group for writers. I’m not a serious writer, but I’m a serious blogger. 🙂
See you in a few!
I would love to attend a writers group…gonna have to see if there’s any such thing in my neck of the woods. I’d also love to attend a bloggers meeting, but there aren’t very many serious bloggers in Springfield. I’m considered one of the experts and that is just so, so sad.
Not part of a writers group- but where did you get that sweater. LOVE it!!!
As I have shared with you on Twitter, I am so super jealous that you have a local writer’s group with which to meet!! How dreamy that would be. And a local bloggers group? Even bettah!
Alas, I think the formation of such groups in this Tiny Town is a long way off. For now, I’ll just live vicariously through you, so don’t be shy about sharing, okay?
How fun! What a great photo and it looks like you found a good group!
It would be fun to be part of a blogging group! Great idea!
-sandy toe
I would love to attend something like this — either a local writers or bloggers group. I need all the help I can get. I went to one local Christian Writer’s Group but it ended up to be a bad time for me to attend (at night).
There was supposed to be an online writer’s group from She Speaks last year, but it never got off the ground. I would absolutely love to be a part of something, but alas, I’m not near you. Would you consider doing something online?? 🙂
By the way, you know I’m so gonna be stuck to you at BlissDom, right? Hope you’re ok with that — I promise I’ll shower and not stink 😀
Wow definitely something I dream of being a part of. Both a writer’s group and / or a bloggers group, either would be fabulous.
I’ve been going to a writer’s group about 30 minutes away for a couple of years, and it’s great both for encouragement and critique. Recently, my friend and I started one near us. We started it through our church, but it’s not necessarily for people who want to publish with CBA, and it includes people from outside the church.
Email me if you have any questions.
Something about the section you graced being called “Diversions” made me laugh. 😀
Of course, I’d have recognized you. I mean that’s a cakewalk compared to the camera zipping past you at Chonda Pierce!! 😀
I see you on twitter and wanted to stop by and say “hey”.
I love this idea! I would come. I like hanging out with “blog-blievers”. 🙂
How fun! Stop by to see what a group of bloggers trying to have Bible Study sounds like!
Keep on writing! You are doing awesome!
no to all. but it would be fun to participate in one.
We’ve just started a bloggers group locally. Our first meeting was a few weeks ago where we all met/chatted it up. Now, we’ve been brainstorming a focus/mission.
It is a blast meeting up with other ladies who “speak” blog, as you said. I hope you have success with yours!
Well congrats on making the paper! ABOVE the fold (which section its in is irregardless!).