One of the most frequent searches that leads people to my blog is "words of encouragement…".  Sometimes other words are attached–death of a loved one, when a child loses their mom/dad, etc.–and when I stumble across these, I always wish I could dialogue with the searcher.  I'm concerned about their loss or why they're seeking out words to encourage or be encouraged by.

My lovable, adorable sister-in-law, out of concern for her niece and nephews, wrote a wonderful letter of encouragement to them when she learned about their schoolmate's death.  It was so…perfect…I asked her if I could reprint portions of it here. It's exactly the kind of "encouraging word" people are looking for when they're hurting…when they're grasping for how to express condolence or sympathy to family or friends.

It ministered to my children; I hope in some way it blesses you as well.  {And if you've discovered my page because you're in a similar position, my heart goes out to you….}


It makes me sad that you guys are having to experience something so horrible.  I wish I could make it all better for you.  Or at least hug you while you grieve.  I understand [you] know them well and I am certain your tender heart is crushed.  It seems so wrong when someone dies or gets so hurt at a young age.  I don't know why, but it does.

I hope you and your friends can somehow experience the love of God and his goodness during these moments.  I am sure at times you won't know how to respond or you might go a little hysterical or even numb.  Maybe you will feel guilty if you aren't sad for a moment and are doing the normal daily routine.  I really don't know where you guys are with this–

But I do know God is love and I pray this truth will be evident in His body of believers.  I pray you will feel comfortable enough to cry out to God if you need to–that his hand will hold you.  I cannot imagine what you five and the other families are going thru–I won't even pretend to know how I would respond.  I just know I want you guys to experience God's love for you as he pulls you up from the mud and mire.

"May the God of hope fill you will all joy and peace as you TRUST in Him so that you may overflow wiht hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." ~ Romans 15:13


                                                        Aunt Janice

Thank you Aunt Janice…we love you, too!! xoxo

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