Paula Deen's Tybee Island Home entrance Because I'm one of Paula Deen's BFFs, she "offered" me use of her Tybee Island beach retreat.  In fact, she trusts me enough that she allowed me to pass along her rental information to 1641772326 my awesome readers (and in case you suspect, this is NOT a sponsored post!!).  Three bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, a five-minute bike ride to the beach, 25 minutes to The Lady and Sons restaurant in Savannah–what's not to love?  

Good gracious–renters also receive a welcome gift full of Paula
Deen's products, a personalized Paula Deen Cook Book, reservations at Uncle Bubba's Oyster House and The Lady and Sons
restaurant.  But I'm thinkin' there's a wee bit of "bait and switch" on their "pictures" page–there's no way Bobby and Jamie can greet everyone who visits!


Ever since I wrote I've been craving homemade ice cream.  I've Rival Mountain Ice Cream Freezer / Churn found a few electric models (a Holmes Ice Cream Maker
and a model by Rival) but I'm thinkin' if I pulled the trigger to buy one, I'd HAVE to get a hand-cranked ice cream churn (if you get one and I get one, we can make LOTS of flavors!).  I had a bit of sticker shock, but considering my nostalgic childhood memories attached to it?  More than worth the price!


That sneaky Classic Housewife…she thinks she can talk about me behind my back and me not find out??  She dared to suggest how I'd respond when I read what she had to say, and daggum it….she was right.  S i g h…I didn't realize I was so predictable….

{Kidding aside, Amber has shared a list of blogs that inspire her and why they do, and I'm honored to be included in this company.  Thanks Amber!}


I wish I caught it everytime someone links to a post of mine, but I don't.  Google alerts haven't been unreliable and people don't always use trackbacks…and I'd love to be able to thank those who share the link-love.  Like A Simple Walk; she linked to my "Swimsuit Shopping Tips for Moms" post and introduced my blog to her readers.  I'm grateful for that :).

{If you read this and have linked to a post of mine and I haven't thanked you, will you please knock me upside my head and let me know???} 

Lori at Lori's Reflections is one of those I **forgot** to say thanks to, at least publicly.  She shared her thoughts throughout our Compassion Bloggers trip to India, and I was so grateful for her support (prayer and otherwise) I can't believe I didn't think to do this!  If you aren't familiar with her blog, start with her Compassion International posts (several of those linking to Compassion bloggers' posts), then bounce around her archives.

Intertwined, To Be Good News & Other Important Information, Looking back, 70 More


Type-A Mom Conference speaker Last but hardly least, are you planning on attending the Type-A Mom Conference in Asheville this September?  Before you take your next breath–mark your calendar for the 24th-27th!  Devoted to excellence and with great focus and intent, Kelby Carr  {aka @typeamom} is designing an event that will help you "take your blog to the next level".  Billed as "The ultimate power mom blogging conference," please don't let that intimidate you from attending; instead, let it infuse energy and passion into your writing.

Plus…selfishly I want my readers to attend…sweet mercy, I'm speaking and I NEED you there!  Please…check out the site for details, and then {that let's Kelby know how you learned about the conference}.  If you register by the end of June, you'll save $100 off the conference price, so no dilly-dallying, k?

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