Giveaway: Registration for conference
Value: $150-$200 (depending on when you register)
Additional information from their site: Type-A Mom Conference is a unique mom blogging conference designed to help you take it to the next level. The conference will feature some of the most influential, admired and insightful mom bloggers talking about topics like power social networking, branding, blogging, finding your voice, and turning your passion for blogging into a real paycheck.
To enter:
Three requirements:
Subscribe to Pensieve in a reader or by email (left sidebar box).
- Visit the Type-A Mom Conference website and based on what you learn there, share one reason why (in comments below) you hope to win this giveaway.
Additional entries may be earned by:
Tweeting the following (minus the quotation marks) and separately commenting the permalink URL (found by clicking the time stamp in Twitter)
" WOW–Win registration for Type-A Mom Conf. from @BlogHop! Details: #BlogHop09 #typeamomconf {PLS RT} "
- Stumbling this post (remember to comment separately that you did this!)
- Submitting this post to Kirtsy/clicking through its link if already submitted.
I’m following both feeds in my reader. I’d like to go to Type A mom because I like the KidCon idea. It would be great for the boys
I am receiving both feeds via reader. I would love to attend Type A Mom because I need help finding my voice and feel that this conference would be very beneficial to me.
I follow both feeds. I like the idea of the speakers dinners and blogger/company “speed dating” these are both great ways to network with VIPs at TypeAMomCon
I tweeted this giveaway!
I tweeted
I submitted this link to Kirtsy
I met several of the illustrious speakers at BlogHer last weekend and want to learn more about their perspective on blogging and business… I think there was definitely unfinished discussion at GeekMommy’s session.
I am a subscriber via google reader to both blogs and what I love most about the conference is the idea of the dinner speakers as well as the company speed dating. I am not someone who will reach out on my own so having this set up would take a lot of the awkward away for me.
I am a subscriber to both feeds in my reader. I am planning to attend Type A already. (In fact, I already have bought my ticket, but perhaps could be reimbursed if I win?) I am particularly excited about the speaker dinners around Asheville. That will give me the unique opportunity to connect with a speaker in a way I might not otherwise be able to do.
I subscribed to both feeds in Google. I’ve already got my ticket to TypeAMomCon, soooo it would be lovely to be reimbursed if I won! If not? I’d probably find a way to bless another mom with it. There’s so many of us who can’t afford these conferences right now..
I’ve been an email subscriber of Type A Mom, and now I’m signed up for yours! I’ve been at the Conference website 100 times already, I’m sure – I desperately want to go! I think the line-up of speakers is amazing, and I just want to bask in their knowledge. I am also super excited about the location, and I love that it’s a smaller venue.
I tweeted!
I hope I did it correctly – I Stumbled the post & wrote a brief review for it. My username there is TreeRootAndTwig.
The link was already submitted to kirtsy, so I clicked through, and I added a comment as well (TreeRootAndTwig).
I want to go to the conference so that I can learn how to improve my blog and my writing from the great speakers that are going to be there.
I subscribed to you both via email.
I would love to win a sponsorship because I would enjoy being around other bloggers and networking. In addition, my husband would enjoy playing golf and my children would enjoy themselves while I was at the conference.
tweet! TWEETED!
Both are in reader. I want to go to Type-A Mom Conference to meet several bloggers I love – and to see again that one Mrs. Robin!
I subscribe to TypeAMom and your site (and have for awhile I might add!). I am hoping to go to the conference so I can learn how to take my blog to the next level. I’ve been blogging about 2 years or more but more recently (on a daily basis) since January and have so much more to learn!
I am a subscriber to both Type A Mom and your site. Primarily I would like to go to the conference because I am a fairly new blogger struggling with finding my niche and my voice (not to mention finding my mojo again). I also feel like I have a ton to learn about the blogosphere!
I tweeted this as well (@mammamania).
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Stumbled it as well!
Already subscribing to both of you ladies in my reader and email!
This conference registration would give me the opportunity for me AND my son to expand our horizons and take our writing to the next level! We are both writers in need of direction for displaying our work on the web.
I also Tweeted!
I’m following everything in a reader! You’ve all definitey been added to my daily reads!
Why I hope to win? Why, Mishi (SecretAgentMama) is going to be there!!! We had plans to meet in Buffalo this weekend, but they fell through in a flaming delight 😀
In all seriousness, I have so many reasons I want to go…the networking, the photo-walk…meeting some amazing wmen I’ve been wanting to meet for a long time!! And that’s just for starters!
I twittered the contest!
And I stumbled this!! No, I don’t want to go *G*…okay, maybe just a little 😉
I’ve subscribed to both feeds. I would love to go for the “speed dating” between the companies and bloggers! 🙂
I tweeted!
I tweeted here:
I stumbled. MrsAdams06
I twitted this tonight twice, I just did not know how to grab the link to it.
There is so much to learn and so much to improve that I simply looking forward for such an opportunity. Being new to the blogging world I am just eager to soak in the experience of such wonderful people!
I added both to my reader… 🙂
I would love love love to win this amazingly generous prize because as a new blogger, I realize the importance and value of the Type A Mom conference for the connections I will make and lessons I will learn. I would be beyond excited to attend, especially since, with 3 children (one is 9 months old) I would be able to take them with me and let them enjoy activities as well. This is a wonderful opportunity for all of us! Oops, I guess that’s more than one reason. The benefits are endless! 😉
I also stumbled a thumbs up with review! stumbled a thumbs up;src:user;topic:427
I want to learn more about blogging and writing.
Tweet Tweet!
I kirtsy’d too (I guess it hadn’t been done yet, because it let me submit it)
BlogHop’09 TypeAMomCon Giveaway Kirtsy Link
Hmm, in case I did that Kirtsy link wrong, here’s the discussion link:
Kirtsy discussion
Hope one of those two is right to pass along!
I tweeted this contest @FleegerFamily
Plain and simple I missed blogher and I really wanted to go to learn about how to make my blog better, and to meet all these great women that I have been meeting online and thru . I think in looking at the speakers I could learn alot about myself. Afterall the reason I started my blog was to learn about myself, and have something that my children could look back on more than just their scrapbooks.
I’m subscribed to both sites (I was already subscribed to yours). 🙂
I am dying to go because I feel like I’m at a crossroads with my blog. I think this conference will give me a jump-start to my blogging-mojo and help me make some decisions about the direction I’m going with my blog.
That and I really need to hear Robin, Tara and Melanie speak about balance. I’m totally unbalanced…in so many ways.
I tweeted! (excuse me)
I Stumbled. (but didn’t fall down)
Subscribed to Type A Mom via email and Pensive via Google Reader. I would like to go to this conference because the line up of speakers are women I admire and would like to learn from.
Excuse my spelling error in previous entry meant to say Pensieve 🙂
I tweeted here
I also Stumbled post as Jentifa 🙂
subscribe to type a mom in reader
subscribe to pensieve in blogger
not only is the conference being held in a wonderful location but most importantly is all that I can learn to make my blog better as well as the wonderful people I could make
I clicked through on Kirtsy as Jentifa (hope that was right never used it before)
Subscribing to both in Google Reader
As a new-ish blogger, I’d love to go to the conference to learn more about blogging, and to meet some of the ‘pros’ in the blogging world.
I visited the site. I would love to win registration because I have been blogging for three years and never attended a conference!
I subscribed to Penseieve in a reader too! 🙂
I’m subscribed to both, and I think TypeAMom will be a great first conference for me. I looked at the speakers and am excited to see bloggers who started out just like me, working around their kids, who’ve created successful jobs for themselves at home.
I tweeted @MoneywiseMoms
I would love to attend to not only meet all the powerful bloggers I have looked up to as I started my journey of blogging, but also to help give my blog a little bit more direction. Since I just put 4 tires on my mom-mobile it looks like this would be the only way I can go!
I tweeted @twokidsandamap
The post is stumbled! 🙂
I’d love to go for the blogging with an authentic voice and passion part. I think that would be interesting. How can you be as authentic as possible with so many bloggers out there? Every time you think you have an original idea someone else has thought of the same thing! I’d also like to go for the advertising on blogs….to see how different people feel about that.
Tweeted Here
I stumbled and wrote a short review (KrisPMomof4)
I tweeted!
It was already submitted on Kirtsy so I clicked through. User ID: pricousins
I am subscribed to both and I would love to attend to hear the amazing speakers they have as well as the speed dating, that seems like a great way to build relationships with the people and companies you might otherwise not have a chance too 🙂
I stumbled this post (tmpatton) 🙂
I kirtsied 🙂 (tmpatton)
I tweeted (@totally_toni)
Can you tell I really hope to win :). Thanks so much for the chance and multiple entries
Subscribed by reader.
Already subscribed by email.
I would like to learn more about the blogging community since I am such a newbie!
Tweeted: @simplybudgeted
1 and 2 Added both feeds to my google reader
3 There’s a lot of reasons I’d love to attend, especially after missing Blogher but based on the TypeAMom information, I’d really love to hear Amy from Resourceful Mommy, one of the speakers. I’d really love to hear all about how she manages her life as a mommy and has the time for her blog plus all of the twitter parties she oversees.
I sent out a tweet
I stumbled this post with username Cat3KidsandUs
Breakout 3: Blogger Outreach and Online Public Relations (featuring Katja Presnal, Nancy Martira, Stephanie Smirnov and David Griner)I’ve worked with Nancy on a few campaigns and I believe I would benefit greatly from this breakout session. I recently opened a new ning called The Product Review Place and I believe I could share a lot of information there with women who (like myself) haven’t been able to make it to any conferences.
I google reader follow both sites: momof2boyswifeof1
i signed up for both feeds, ireally want to go beacuse this will be the only confrence i ever attend. it’s only a few hours away and I can bring my kids with me.
Twittered :o)
I subscribe to both sites via my google reader! And I would LOVE to come to the conference because some of my favorite bloggers are speaking! AND, I have been very impressed by the schedule. Everything looks well planned out and fabulous!
I’m a subscriber! I’m also a believer of the importance of blogging in our fragmented world – I love the way it makes me feel like I’m part of a community, even though I’m pretty isolated out here in Indiana. I’d like to go to learn how to take my little blog and make it big, by picking brains during networking, soaking up everything I can learn during sessions, and meeting all the wonderful women behind these voices. The speaker dinners sound like a dream come true!
I tweeted!
Stumbled: pune12
I stumbled the post (I am 1momof5 on stumble)
Subscribed to both via Google RSS. I would LOVE to win this because it is only about a day’s drive and I not only want to go to learn more about blogging and building relationships, but I would love to meet others that share the same ambitions. To be able to bring my daughter would be amazing, especially since I just reconnected with my aunt in NC who I have not seen since I was about 6 years old. I would LOVE to be able to see her again!
Thanks so much for the chance!
I clicked through the 2 links that I found to this post on kirtsy (I was #4 on one and #5 on another) My user name is Lolli.
Subscribed to both feeds!
I am always looking for ways to do more with my blog and ideas, and there’s no better way than meeting other bloggers! Plus, the conference is in my home state!
And tweeted!
I would love to Kirtsy, but have no idea what that is…went to the site to sign up – but now I’m lost.
i email subscribe to type a mom
Okay, I left a comment on the post and clicked all the links.
i email subscribe to Pensieve with email account
Ooh I want in!! Off to tweet!!
i want to go to typeamom because I want to find my blogging voice and find out how I can put my name out there!!
stumbled! (as evelester)
and clicked through on kirtsy- ! Thanks! 🙂
Subscribed to both!
I see I forgot to add the links:
stumble name is: mamakatslosinit
subscribed with:
And I really want to go because I was super bummed to miss Blogher, I’d LOVE to hear what those speakers have to say and I’m extrememly interested in learning more about this crazy bloggy world!
Wish me luck!!
…or not…
subscribe to both by email (valerie 2350 at hotmail)
I’d like to learn some new skills to take it to the next level 🙂
I subscribed to both and would love to go to network with other women and/or men who have a passion for blogging.
I tweeted:
I registered for kirtsy just to kirtsy this post!! (under sadiecass – as is my earlier comment about my stumble…that’s my username places like that!)
It’s all about the keynotes for me! There’s nothing I enjoy more than hearing bloggers read their own posts or talk about their writing. The breakout sessions sound great, too.
(Subscribed via email)
I subscribe to Type A Mom in a reader by email.
I subscribe to Pensieve in a reader by email.
I would love to attend the conference, it would be my very first one! I would love to attend the Building a Blog from Start to Finish and Twitter 101, plus more session!
I tweeted:
I am subscribing to both in reader. I would absolutely love to attend the Type A Mom Conference so I can learn from all of the great speakers. What an amazing lineup of talented bloggers!!!
I tweeted!
I stumbled!
I would like to win because I am relatively new to blogging. I have been blogging for a year but only seriously since January of 2009. There is so much to learn and I really want to see several of the speakers who I look up to. I think I could learn so much. Thanks!
I also tweeted this.
(P.S. Although I didn’t note it above, I did subscribe to both blogs as required in Google Reader as well)
Since it was already submitted to Kirtsy, I clicked through. Thanks.
subscriber to both Type A Mom and your site. Primarily I would like to go to the conference because I am a fairly newer blogger and would love to get ideas and meet all the other great mom bloggers
I follow both by email.
I’d love to attend TypeAMom Con because I enjoy blogging, but have no idea on how to do it and be successful at it, and I think this would be a great oppty to learn how the “stars” started.
I tweeted the fantastic giveaway –
subscribed to both! would love to attend this conference b/c of the great lineup of speakers!! it would be great to be around a group of people that actually know what a blog is without me explaining 🙂
I subscribed to both feeds and I think what I’d like the most is learning from the wonderful speakers there and being inspired to grow.
I kirtsy’d (blueviolet)
I tweeted!
I stumbled it: (thedoot)
I’ve subscribed to both blogs via email.
I would like to win a ticket so I could hear all these awesome women speak.