{This is a featured post & will remain at the top of my page a few days–please scroll down for newer entries EVERY day!!}
It's back, and it's even bigger and better than before: Blog Hop '09! I hope you'll plan to take part!
In just a few days, 1,500 rabid and chatty bloggers will descend upon Chicago for one of the most blogged- and tweeted- about events of the year, BlogHer's annual conference. While it might feel like "everybody's" going, the truth is, tens of millions–TENS OF MILLIONS, people!–bloggers will NOT be in attendance.
So how's about you and me have a little virtual la-di-dah at the same time?
On this Thursday evening at 9:00 CST, I'll post a Mr. Linky for you to register a Blog Hop party post. From then through the weekend (and even into next week!) "hop" around the list and meet some wonderful new bloggers.
Icing on this Meet & Greet cake? FABULOUS giveaways are planned! So far, sponsors have offered a $25 Build a Bear gift card, a $50 Paula Deen gift card and the $150 registration fee to Type-A Mom Conference!! SHAZAAM!! More prizes will be listed as I confirm them (and if you'd like to offer a giveaway from the main Blog Hop site, please email me at pensieve(dot)me(at)gmail(dot)com ASAP).
More information is forthcoming–live chats? tweet & meets?–but for now, you simply need to plan a party post. My best bit of advice: keep it brief! The tendency (my tendency?) is to want to share too much information and link to a bunch of posts. The goal of Blog Hop '09 is to introduce you to a lot of bloggers you might not already know; if you want to assure your post is actually read, respect your visitor's time and give them reason to come back "next time" to get to know you better!
Would you help spread the word? Write a party post inviting your readers to take part (feel free to pick up the graphic above) and/or add the button below to your side bar and link to this post. In order to be eligible for the giveaways, you'll have to include a button in your sidebar, but the invite post is an optional courtesy.
Be sure to visit Jo-Lynne at Musings of a Housewife if you're interested in a custom blog design; she's the creator of this darling button and she's fantastic to work with! {{Thanks & a thousand hugs, Jo-Lynne!!}}
So, Robin, How do we participate? Because as you know I”M IN! Yay!
You can count me in!
Ohhhh YES!
OH AWESOME!!!!!!!! I will totally be here! I’m also having a party for not going to BlogHer it’s called The Happy BlogNerd Bash – since it’s on my b/day too 🙂 I’ll have fun giveaways, so I hope you stop by and say hi as well ~ I will definitely link up here too!!
Great idea!
I’m so happy! It was just around a year ago that I “met” you and participated in your blog hop. Thanks for doing this again, Robin.
YAY! I’m definitely in!! Thanks!
I’m going to participate in this blog hop. Thanks for coordinating this Robin.
hey Robin, I too can’t make it to BlogHer09 and I’m sponsoring a $500 jewelry giveaway for the lucky women there…and those of us at home!
so please hop on over to my blog!
aka thebeadgirl
I was IN with the first one, you know I’m down with this one, too!
Good thing I’m coming back from my bloggin hiatus this week, huh?? =)
You know, it just makes me feel good knowing I’m not the only one not going. The buzz is starting to get me bummed this week, ya know? Party on, home-bound girls!
Sounds great!
This sounds interesting! Hope I can remember LOL…
I’m in too 🙂 Should be great fun! Some of ya’ll amaze me though — remembering where you found people from. My memory s.u.c.k.s. 😀
OK sweets, you got my attention!!!! You’re the only twitter “spam” I’ve clicked through on (before blocking). Lo and behold it was JU!
Gotta love ya! I’ll be back to digest the details of this event… it’s midnight here and I’m going to bed.
I remember the first one. 🙂 Count me in too.
I’d like to join! I so want to join Blogher but with my current location, it’s just impossible!
What a great idea! It’ll be nice to have one place to connect everyone. Thanks for not leaving us out!!! Still wish i was coming!
Rachel Ferrucci
This sounds fantastic! I would love to join.
I had to cancel my trip to BlogHer so I’ve been a bit bummed out, but DANG! I’m all about BlogHop now!
this is so great.
i am not going either. =)
Write a party post that’s basically an elevator pitch…short, sweet and representative of YOU. Feel free to host a giveaway at your site…and most of all, plan to meet those with whom you’ve not yet crossed paths!!
Make sure to remind me and we’ll cross post! 🙂
I know, Shelly! Can you believe how fast time has FLOWN???
P E R F E C T timing, Amber 🙂
The “buzz” flat wears me out…and USED to make me feel “less than” as a blogger. NOT ANYMORE, BABEEE!
GREAT…I’ve been reduced to spam, lol. So that’s what it’s come to…!
Love to you, hope you digested and come back for another bite 🙂
Leave you out? I’m one of “them”…the MILLIONS OF BLOGGERS NOT going to BlogHer. Can’t believe you aren’t, though…but happy we’ll getcha!
Their loss? Blog Hop’s gain! SCORE!
Sounds like fun!!
pretty cool idea!! I hope to be able to make it there in time lol
I am in! Sounds great!
Donna (@WayMoreHomemade) and me (@stop4chocolate) had already set up #pityparty09 on twitter for non-Blogher attenders just for fun! We were thinking just 2 1-hr sessions on Thurs-8pm central and Sat.-12pm central. We just have a couple prizes to give away. But – I want to make sure that we’re not conflicting with anything you’re doing. Let me know!
Thanks for doing this!!
I am so in and so excited for Blog Hop ’09!! My Party Invite is up and going at: http://inherwordsofwisdom.blogspot.com/
YAY!! Is it Thursday yet??
Sounds great – will post a ad today! Thanks!
I posted about the hop today so I’m in! Thanks ladies, this is going to be LEGENDARY (said in my best Barney Stinson voice). LOL
I was really bumbed about not going to BLogher but now you make me feel better THANk you
Hey Robin,
This sounds fun. Imma participate for sure! How do I get that button? I didn’t see the link to grab.
I just added the button and plan on posting. Thank you for hosting!
Last year was so much fun! Thanks for doing this again. I can’t wait.
YAY! I’m not going and feeling pretty down about it! Glad you guys are doing something to cheer us up!
Thanks for letting me know :). Can you send a link and I'll post it w/my post tomorrow? I'm planning for the Mr. Linky to go live tomorrow night and to have a live video/chat if I can work it out. THAT sucked time all day trying to get it functional :/. I'm working out times for a tweet up on Friday probably, but I'm **still** working on times, etc. Doesn't sound like we'll be in conflict, though…I love how many of us have had the same idea!
Oh, I cannot wait! Well, I am waiting, so I guess that means I can wait, but you know what I mean.
Excellent! Can’t wait.
Just posted a Blog Hop post. I’m a newbie at this one. Come on by. I’d love to see you!
PS Thanks for doing this!
Just wrote my party introduction on my blog with a link back here from http://infertilitymom.blogspot.com/2009/07/having-fun-not-going-to-blogher.html 🙂
Yay! I would looooove to meet other bloggers – it’s pretty lonely in my corner of the blogosphere! I’ve got a pretty inflexible theme/layout at the moment, but I’ll see if I can figure out how to put the button in there…
am up and running-can’t wait for the great fun!
yeah for those of us stuck at home…i mean, not going to BLogHer…let’s have some fun. woo hooo!
Count me in!!!
This will be my first BlogHop/BlogHer09 event, so I am a little gun shy here. Not quite sure what to do, but Count Me In!! 😀 I am excited to meet some new people.
I think I have to do this! How fun! Hope to see you!
oh! Paula Deen? Cool! I live in Savannah and have yet to get into her restaurant! lol Trying for hubby’s birthday next week, though…
Had a blast last year and met some great new bloggy friends. Looking forward to doing this again! Thanks, Robin! 😀
Sounds fun!
I just found your invitation to party! I wanna join too!
Wish I could go to Blogher…..but this sure makes missing it seem ok.
I’ll be linking up too, and I’ve got 3 giveaways going on right now!
*pushes back chair, stands up*
I’m ALL IN, Folks!!!
Dandy fine idea!
Took me long enough, but I just got up an official post about #pityparty09 with an opportunity for peeps to sign up. http://stopnsmellthechocolates.blogspot.com/2009/07/pityparty09.html
I am in! I posted and added the button!
What a great idea! I’m always afraid someone will see me in real life and think – hmmm..she’s a lot shorter than I thought – or hmmm..she sounds different than I imaginged – or even hmmmm…I wonder if she realizes there is toilet paper on her foot?
Well, the entry I just wrote suddenly disappeared when I accidentally pushed the wrong button – dangit! Anyways, I think this is a great idea and I’ll see you bloggers tonight! http://www.themommy-files.com/ or themommmyfiles (twitter)
woohoo! so excited!
I will be partying along tonight….and however long it goes.
I will be hosting a giveaway on my tonight post!
It’s my blog anniversary! I didn’t realize that until earlier today! Duh!
This is so fab, I’m in!
My post is up and now I’m counting down the time till the Linky goes up. Can’t wait to party!!
Sounds like fun! Guess I found it just in time! Got a few minutes to get a post up on my blog at Real Women Scrap. 🙂 See you there.
What a great idea! Thanks for hosting this!
God bless,
So how do we sign up to be in this….I love blog hops and have found some of my favorite blogs that way….I would also LOVE to give a prize…as you will see frok my blog…I love to give prizes….
Hey, I am on board! I have 3 blogs for various outlets and would love to share them with other bloggers. I too love comments, but don’t wanna beg! I just added you on twitter too.
loving the be bopping blog hopping fun
glad you got it all going on
dancing to the tunes now
What fun! Thanks
I would LOVE to go to Type A conference. Ashville isn’t far from my home at all…thanks for the chance!
How do I participate
Hey! Well…the deadline to enter was July 28th and the MckLinky is closed (automatically set). We'll do it again this time next year, but you're more than welcome (of course!) to visit all the blogs listed.