Using either Random Integer Generator or shout outs in Twitter, then confirming comments met eligibility requirements, here are the winners of Blog Hop '09 Giveaways!! Thanks to all those who joined in this year's cyber party! I learned A LOT about how to administrate it next time and your constructive suggestions are welcome by emailing me at pensieve(dot)me(at)gmail(dot)com :). Be nice to me please…it's been a bit more to juggle than I anticipated AND it didn't help that I've been out of town since last Sunday!
Again…you're the reason Blog Hop '09 was so much fun, and though I know those who DIDN'T participate were BORED OUT OF THEIR SKULLS with all the Blog Hoppin' posts, I'm thankful for the new blogs I've discovered (and WILL discover) as a result!
- $25 Build-a-Bear giftcard ~ Kristin, The Mom Experience {randomly chosen from Twitter 🙂 }
- $50 DaySpring giftcard ~ Kristen, Hands, House & Heart Full {thanks to Random Integer Generator below}
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-08-03 14:28:07 UTC
- $50 Paula Deen Giftcard ~ Christine, Live Love Laugh & Bloggings {Random Integer Generator to the rescue!}
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-08-03 14:35:56 UTC
- $50 Crocs giftcard ~ Monica, Peapod Squad Stuff {selected via Twitter shout out, had followers give 3 numbers; first one to meet entry requirements was the winner}
- Land's End (Via Random Integer Generator below)
- Cardigan {Katy Lin, The Great Adventure}
- Backpack {Angie, A Simple Kinda Life}
- Necklace & earrings {e-mom, Susannah's Aprons & Chrysalis}
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
8 19 13
Timestamp: 2009-08-03 15:02:25 UTC
- Type-A Mom Conference Registration {Stacey @ Tree, Root & Twig, who won when I asked Type-A Mom herself to tweet me three random numbers!! (First one to meet eligibility was the winner, which happened to be the first number in her series thankfully!!}
Blog Hopper submitted giveaways
- Scentsy warmer & fragrance bar {Keyona, compliments of Groovewoman}
- Starbucks gift card/"Five Ways to {Blank} Your Blog {Vanderbilt Wife, compliments of Deb on the Rocks}
- Advertising on Mom's Marbles {Mel Tuttle (the only person who specified this giveaway! I didn't even generate a number for this!), compliments of Mom's Marbels}
- "Family Feasts for $75 a Week" {Rachel R., compliments of Mary/Owlhaven}
- Jesus Storybook Bible {Dana, compliments of Oh Amanda/Impress Your Kids}
how exciting! i’ve never won any blog giveaways before! and i love me some crocs…the best prize evah!
I am absolutely SCREAMING with excitement! OH MY GOSH! Honestly, my husband and kids are crowded around me, cheering too! Thank you thank you thank!
Congratulations to all the winners!!
Robin you are a sweetheart and I truly missed you this weekend. You are awesome and I’m sure everyone needs to realize you have a life outside of this blog — and treat you with grace. Love ya girl!
Congrats to all the winners and thanks again Robin for all your hard work on this!!
OMG Paula Deen My HERO!!! WOOT WOOT!!! Thank YOU so very much!!! I’m so EXCITED I can’t stand it!!! YAY YAY!
Blog Hop 09 – WOOT WOOT!
Whoohoo! I look forward to wearing my new necklace and earrings.
Thanks for all your hard work Robin. (No “constructive suggestions” are necessary.) I’ve been following along with great interest. I met some exciting new bloggers and tweeters. Your event was timely, considering the usual summer blogging slump.
So now it’s all over and you can relax. Have a happy day!
e-Mom @ Susannah’s Aprons
YAHOOO!!! I am going to have myself a little self-date at Starbucks with my gift card and book!!
{I seem to be having a run of good luck with blog giveaways…it’s awesome!}
Ah! I’m so excited. I’ve never won any blog giveaway! Whoo Hoo!
Thanks so much for hosting the Blog Hop!
Thank you! My daughter will just love the Storybook Bible.
I won?! I hope I’m not too late to claim this. (I was out of town.) What do I do?
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.