This morning I was entangled by silvery threads beaded in dew.
Spun and woven and snowflake-unique, patterned and random and each a gossamer masterpiece.
Delicate garland adorning iron tree, beauty softening hardened beast.
Life-sustaining for one, life-taking for another. Home and tomb.
and I seriously just have to weigh in here with a “WOW, it’s so nice to look at another photographer’s work today” after two days of digging through my own archives and weeks of processing my weddings. These are gorgeous – the droplets are exquisite!
Hey you…that was FAST! Thanks!! (cause I KNOW you'd be taking these shots, too!!)
Oh…Kelly, you called me a PHOTOGRAPHER?? I LOVED taking these photos but the whole time I was wishing I could do better. THANK YOU for your encouraging words 🙂 xo
Breathtaking photos, Robin! And the wrought iron fence makes it look so gothic! Just in time for Halloween (bwahahahahahaaaa!)
Gorgeous. I stand in awe of God’s creation – particularly these tiniest of creatures 🙂
I love your dewy webs of spider homes, who are smart enough not to drowned in the wetness of the morning.
Very elegant. Awesome photos. I wonder where the spiders are too. Maybe they found their magnum opus.
COOL pictures! And I totally laughed out loud when I read your last comment — where ARE all the spiders?
Those are such cool photos! I hate spiders, but I do love seeing dew covered spider webs.
Beautiful!! So pretty and amazing. And kinda spooky at the same time! MWaaa HHaaaa HHaaa!!
They are at my house! We’ve had so many spiders this fall (although I confess I sometimes let them spin their webs…always think of Charlotte!).
Awesome photos! I hate spiders, but I do love seeing the dew laden webs. Thanks for sharing. (Oh I thought I posted a comment already, but it didn’t show up so I apologize if this is a repeat.)
I can’t believe those are real! They are so cool. Fabulous pictures. I love them.
Those shots are absolutely breathtaking. I can’t get over them…
That is so pretty! At first I thought it was Halloween decorations…good timing!
Your pictures are amazing!! And the poem was rather nice, too. 🙂
these are gorgeous and very appropriate for halloween. But of course you waxed eloquently, too!
These photos are incredible. Truly. Thank you for sharing! They are an awesome reminder of God’s creativity and beauty.
Those are gorgeous. So much more so for LACK of spiders!
Exhausted – I think they went to Starbucks after working the late shift…
These are amazing!
I love these pictures!!!! The spiders webs are so cool the way the water droplets are just hanging there.
Oh wow- as much as I hate spiders, I love love love those web photos! However, your question as to the whereabouts of the spiders does have me a bit creeped out. 🙂
As much as I hate spiders, I love those web photos! Though I am admittedly a bit creeped out about where all those spiders might be lurking! 🙂
Ummm, have comments disappeared?
Such beautiful creations, aren’t they??? Amazing the work that goes into them, only to leave them abandoned….
Oh my gosh…these are BEAUTIFUL! Great photography! Thanks for sharing!
mhhmmm, I would be scared. I think they might have gone for dryer places!
Very nice pictures by the way!!!
Those are awesome pictures!!! I love the close up of the web. Happy Halloween.
Wow! These are fantastic, Robin. Well done!
Now if I could only find the time to get back to my photography. What happened? :~(
Great pics and so timely! And I’m sure the spiders have all moved indoors by now.
They’re all getting toasty warm in your home. Maybe hanging out in your warm bedroom.
Beautiful works of art! The spiders are likely warming up indoors 😉
Gorgeous photos! I Love spider webs, and spiders, too. They truly are works of art.
These are beautiful photos.
These are beautiful photos.
Wow!! How cool are those pics?? Great pics!
ps…especially the close up ones-the water droplets look like pearls adorning the webs!
Yes. Mine is gone. where? I don’t know. Just saying how much I loved the pics.
Gorgeous, you.
Wow, that is so beautiful!!