"A hero's not afraid to give his life
A hero's gonna save me just in time."
~ "Hero," by Skillet
Yes…in case you didn't know…I love Rock & Roll, so put another dime in the jukebox, baby. From Skillet's album, Awake. For the record, I thought about posting "Monster" but I figured that might be a wee-bit much for the non-rockers in the crowd. 🙂
With the devastation in Haiti still unfolding before our eyes, I think we could use a hero. I'm thankful for the God who wasn't surprised by this disaster, who is grieving with Haiti and the world…and who will manifest Himself in the thousands of people who are answering the call to help…who are the hands and feet of Jesus to a people in desperate need.
Great song. The surgeon in the video is an acquaintance of mine in Birmingham.