In the days since I last spoke in this space, it hasn't been quiet. Inside, my body was attacked by an ugly Creature wreaking intestinal mischief and l was left by the proverbial roadside tired and "less than"……but not near as less than as it felt in the process of spewing and retching.
I'm of the opinion if you have to endure the pain and indignity of a stomach virus, you should at least benefit with Rapid Weight Loss thank-yew-very-much, and I'm indignant my scale begs to differ.
On the outside, the weather has been creative, bouncing from Winter to Spring and back again, teasing bulbs into budding and throwing hailish rocks at my window. My son wanted to go outside in the midst of the storm to touch icy golfballs but my husband assured him he could open the refrigerator and reach into the ice bin for the same result (and stay dry in the process).
I've found it difficult to complain about most things since my trip to India last Spring, and impossible to complain about, well…anything…since the earth shook Haiti to pieces 10 days ago.
Shaun Groves and a team of Super Heroes are doing something about Haiti relief. And he's going to tell us soon exactly what it is, and all I can do is sneak away from work every so often to refresh his page to see if he's spilled the goods and dropped any names yet. I suggest you do the same…and let's celebrate HOPE and HELP together. Soon.
Cause as my friend Shaun suggests, our best selves squirt out when life squeezes hard.
I’ve been trying not to complain about all my little trivialities either since Haiti. I have a home, health, water, electricity, and my family all around. It is so easy to take for granted the good things in life when they are around you all the time.
Believe me I thought about Haiti today. I had a tooth extraction with lots of pain meds. I sat there contemplating what I’d read two days ago — about people having amputations with no anesthesia.
I hope you’re feeling better!
I’ve also been more sensitive to my tendency to react to things in my life that in comparison to the suffering of those in Haiti, seem so pointless…
Thank you for sharing. Not only have I realized that some of my so-called complaints are really minor when compared to suffering like what we’re seeing in Haiti, it also gives me hope that we won’t be crushed or completely undone by the major issues we do have going on. I’m hopeful that, with life squeezing hard in the form of a major challenge right now, we’ll see our best selves emerge.
I hope you’re feeling better! Stomach viruses are just a misery.
Oh, dear, Pamela…I hadn't heard that :(. But oh, how it hurts my heart (I have NO idea what REAL distress is). All we can do is keep praying, and whatever else our hearts are led to do for these people. I do hope you're feelin' okay after your procedure…that's no fun, regardless of comparisons!
That's the bottom line; does reacting ever serve the situation? And while I know we might be "uncomfortable" (whatever shape that takes), our pains are usually temporary. Their lives have been changed forever. 🙁
Thanks, Lisa, I AM feeling better (though I get these little twinge reminders from time to time…). I'm excited about the collaboration Shaun is teasing us about. It's gonna be good…and just the thought of it makes me feel VERY "We are the world…". Just wish he'd hurry up and TELL US! lol
Great post for perspective. Always appreciate your blogs.