In my on-going quest to (take your pick…):

  • stay in shape
  • get in shape
  • tone existing muscle
  • build non-existent muscle
  • lose weight
  • fit into my summer clothes
  • relieve stress
  • defeat insomnia
  • train for a marathon
  • l i v e  t o  s e e  m y  g r a n d c h i l d r e n

I've committed to incorporating fitness into my daily summer routine (which, actually, is anything but routine).  Mostly that involves walk-running in my very hilly neighborhood, digging out my hand weights from under the bed and (gasp!) using them–and a regimen of sit-ups, push-ups and lunges.  I'm old school.  And cheap.

This morning, I started off on a jog under breezy, brooding skies, wish-thinking the rain would hold off long enough for me to get in three miles.

Caught in the rain
Apparently, rain is no respecter of my wishin' or thinkin'.

A hundred yards into my walk, the clouds unleashed bulleted fury.  But, rather than turn tail and sprint home, I pressed ahead…and in the end, I'm so glad I did! It's already known I don't mind getting caught without an umbrella, but this time I learned a few things about embracing the rain ~

  • The initial cold and shock fades quickly into a pleasurable sensation.
  • Wet socks are really squishy.
  • I run more.
  • I walk faster.
  • I still sweat when I'm wet.
  • Thunder is louder when you're outside. 
  • Lightening is scarier when you're outside. 
  • I wonder what it would feel like if I got struck by lightening.
  • I pray God has mercy when I do stupid things.
  • Dripping puddle in my kitchenIf I'm wearing a white tee and even suspect it might rain, I should change clothes.
  • Wet tee shirts plaster themselves against your body…especially your jiggly parts.
  • Neighbors have never been friendlier.  I had multiple offers for a ride home.
  • Aussie ~ a very wet, unhappy Australian Shepherd....:) My dog did not appreciate my romanticization of joggin' in the rain.  She kept looking back at me with eyes that pleaded "CAN WE JUST GO HOME NOW?!"  Then, she'd shake her wet, smelly doggie coat in my direction, slinging wet, smelly doggie water at me.   
  • I think about others, a lot.  Like Pinki, .
  • I pray for others, a lot.  Like Pinki, whose probable "best" baths are from rain showers.
  • I can't take decent pics of myself with a cell phone.  By "decent" I mean without looking like a deranged, insane asylum escapee.  Or a drunk.
  • I have no vanity if I'm willing to publish wet-rat-self-portraits.
  • I'm extremely vain since it took 40 pictures to get four for this post. Maybe more.
  • My hair was making really cool designs behind my back.

Wet hair

Bet I couldn't make it do that again if I tried….

"Life moves pretty fast.  If you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it."  {Brilliance from Ferris Bueller!}

Don't just seize the day, squeeze the breath out of moments!  

This post is dedicated to my friend Lindsey Nobles, a walking-in-the-rain soul sistah who would've joined me if geography had permitted :).

* * * * * * *

Your turn:  Can you recall a time when you discovered the "extra" in ordinary?  Do share!  

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