There’s just something about the excitement of a child–adrenaline-filled Christmas-morning anticipation, the kind of waiting-for that slows days into 24-hour eternities.

His eyes have been locked on the calendar for this day.  He’ll defy death from a front row seat, willing to pay the ultimate price:  killed time.  He’ll fight a and arise victor in less than four minutes…and, .  

Early morning–much too early for a Summer’s lazy day–I slip into his room to awaken him, eager to hear his first words of the day.  I know they’ll be happy ones, I know his first thought will be the day’s adventure.

I was unprepared but not disappointed; it’s not words he utters, it’s his battle cry (the first five seconds).

My heart smiled.

I am in love with a 13-year-old boy.

* “Here comes a lion, Father.”  Why, yes, I think this fits…perfectly!

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