Last night some of the happiest, funnest blogging news OF ALL TIME crossed my inbox…


If you've read me for any length of time, you know I relish all things Southern.  When I learned my beloved Southern Living magazine had chosen me as their Mama Blogger of the Week?  Well…my feet haven't touched the ground since.

Heartfelt thanks to Erin Shaw Street and her team of wonderfulness at Southern Living online.  Fabulous Southern bloggers are in no short supply, so I'm sincerely and completely touched and honored to have received this special distinction.  

Hmmm…I wonder if my BFF Paula Deen will invite me over for dinner now; suddenly I'm craving fried chicken, mashed potatoes, fried okra and a gallon of sugar-shocked tea.  Funny, that power of suggestion…. 🙂

Your turn:  I'm looking for your favorite Southern bloggers regardless of age or size of blog.  Please chime in and tell me a reason or two why they're your favorites!

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