We were introduced last summer; it was unexpected love at first sight.
Creamy yellow-flesh with blushed cheeks.
Incredibly sweet, exquisitely rare and ab-so-lute-ly luscious.
It didn't involve sparkly, twilight-y vampires but first bite consummated infatuation. All too quickly I would discover a pale, hardened heart buried within, but that wouldn't matter; my lust-of-the-eye sin had already taken root.
Rainier cherries. Have you evah had the pleashah?
There are over 1,000 types of cherries and I'm sure this is THE one of the famed "cherry on top" distinction.
They're the Lay's Potato Chips of cherries–you can't eat just one!
It doesn't make sense to me, but I was compelled to photograph this fruit–COMPELLED, I TELL YA! Ninety-five pictures DON'TJUDGEMME…blame it on the ease of digital SLRs. I shall spare you the majority, but as compelled as I was to take the pictures, I'm inclined to share a few as well.
I must be channeling my inner Pioneer Woman…I'm having a hard time deciding which photos not to include.
I'm smitten. With fruit. Go figure.
Rainiers, created in 1952 by Harold Fogle (God bless him), are a cross between Bing and Van cherries. They're only available late June through early August and I've been huntin' 'em all Summer. {Shopping alert: right now they're on sale at Publix grocery stores–at least in the Tennessee Valley–BOGO!!}
Beautiful, juicy fruit. B e a u t i f u l, j u i c y fruit.
I'm inspired people. Inspired to try a new recipe:
Cherry Salsa
- 1/2 lb dark sweet cherries, pitted and chopped
- 1 tbsp lime juice
- 1/4 cup cherry preserves
- 1 Ttbsp minced red onion
- 1 tsp finely chopped jalapeno pepper
- 1 tbsp finely chopped cilantro
Combine all ingredients in medium bowl and stir to blend. Cover and chill 1-2 hours to blend flavors. Serve with grilled meat, or with chips as an appetizer.
* * *
As is often the case when inspired, I write poetry. Instead, I'll borrow from Emily Dickinson, who paints whimsy with verse :).
"When I sound the fairy call, gather here in silent meeting,
Chin to knee on the orchard wall, cooled with dew and cherries eating.
Merry, merry, take a cherry, mine are sounder, mine are rounder,
Mine are sweeter for the eater, when the dews fall,
and you'll be fairies all.”
p.s. *Fruits are distinguished from vegetables because they're plants that have an ovary used for food. I'm *almost* a foodie AND homeschooling blogger with the content of this post! FTW!
Your turn: Don't be silent–please do share your thoughts! Chime in about your favorite food obsession…or if you can't relate, just shout out your favorite picture.
Mmmm, I love Rainier Cherries! I live in Washington State, so they are locally grown here. I had a bowl of them for my morning snack!
I’ve never had Rainier cherries, but I’ll try them when I find them! My latest food obsession is strawberries. I cannot go to the grocery store without coming home with strawberries. Tonight for dessert we’re having strawberries, blueberries and kiwi!
I’ve never had Rainer cherries, but they are so pretty and look delicious. In the summer my food obsession is watermelon. Can not get enough of it. I just wish they didn’t have all those seeds.
I had never seen these until about ten days ago. You are right; they are DIVINE!
Those pictures are AMAZING! I would have posted all of them, too! It makes me want to go out and eat some Cherries!
I am thinking maybe The Pioneer Woman should channel you 🙂
Guess what I’m having for a late night snack??? I had to distract the children with popsicles and cookies all day (I know super-healthy mom) so there would be some left for me! I became obsessed with cherries in my 2nd pregnancy and have never really gotten over it and boy are these the best!
Mmmm… fresh cherries! Fresh fruit is the main reason for summer, I think. Forget the beach: it’s the fresh fruits at the Farmers’ Markets.
Cherries are my homeboy!
Between the farmers market for fresh fruit/veggies & the portion of the cow we just got from Sequatchie, I haven’t needed to grocery shop this week. BUT, these cherries may have just changed my plans 😉
Thanks for the yummy pictures
Hey, Robin! Just saw your post on Rainier Cherries…my sister & I discovered them by accident years ago on a trip to Milwaukee (had never seen them in NC). We still gobble them up by the pound whenever they’re in season. Pure heaven on a stem!