Marcia Brody and Bill Cosby do for "Southern" what Abbott and Costello did for baseball with their "Who's on First" routine. If you're a Southerner, you'll relate; if you aren't, it might be even funnier!
Enjoy the laughs…mine were out loud :). (And I did click through to her second video…I 'bout lost it when she said, "I don't speak Jamaican…!")
Hahahaha! Love it!
I’m amazed that she never once used the word “yonder”, bless her heart.
My laughs were out loud, too. How did that couple ever find each other???
Bridget, I don't ever recall seeing it before…it IS rather memorable, no? 😀
Sandy, I bet she thought it though, what with giving all those directions…!
Jeanne, I *don't* think they were actually a couple, but I wasn't sure until I watched the second video. I think they were just on at the same time (but I could be wrong). Regardless……..just thinkin' about it makes me smile again! 🙂
Thanks! That was hysterical!
Oh goodness!!! =)
Oh. My. Word! That was great! My kids kept wanting to know what I was laughing at so loudly. Bless her little pea pickin’ heart.