A few of my 39 open tabs worth sharing with you :).

  • Frustrated by your guests' RSVP aversion?  Sandy Coughlin (& her readers) during her 31 Days to Stress-free Entertaining series.
  • Would you like ?  
  • Very interesting read–Conservative Christians (know what it is?)
  • Kelly's had blog troubles lately and lost lots of readers.  She takes pretty pictures and writes with a poet's voice.  
  • Did you seea while back?  Apparently, she has a for getting fit.
  • I don't quite get this, but turn any link into a QR Code (via Tech Crunch).
  • Deidra of Jumping Tandem received a surcie from God when she really needed one; check out the gorgeous picture at her place then click the jump to ((it reminded me when God gave me something I didn't know existed: ).  

Why not share something in comments you've read that I might've missed–even if it's your own favorite for the week! 

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