A collection of links I love, sites I like, interesting reads or cool things happening nearby.

  • Chatty Crafty Badge Chatty Crafty. I'm headed there TODAY (November 6th, but it began yesterday).  First evah outdoor juried Indie Craft Show in Renaissance Park on Chattanooga's North Shore.  If I hadn't been so consumed with (recap post coming soon but it was six shades of FABULOUS), I would've been on this like white on rice.  
  • If you've never read the run-a-muck you're missing out on one of the most lyrical, substantive, heart-and-soul-penning writers I know.  Her husband hijacked her blog this week and his words spill beauty, too.  Pensieve says don't miss this one! 
  • Head of the Hooch.  Ross's Landing Park on the Tennessee River.  With almost 10,000 rowers in town, this regatta is a pretty big deal.  Concludes around lunchtime today.
  • .  Anita Renfroe (remember the "Mom Song" set to the William Tell overature?) doin' what she does so well–making you laugh!
  • I have a special place in my "heart" (aka my hips & thighs) for Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie, but their commitment to fair trade makes me love 'em all the more.
  • Ecuador-cards2010 A Christmas Card Drive of Epic Proportion.  Incourage and DaySpring have teamed with Compassion International and YOU to bring guaranteed smiles to the faces of children.  It's a small gesture with ginormous impact!
  • .  I wish I could share it with everyone I know….


Your turn:  DO share something in comments you've seen or written I might've missed!

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