Don't let that innocent smile fool you…I'm a girl on a mission.
It's the day after Thanksgiving and class is in session…
Gun safety from a well-qualified instructor…
And if you do exactly what he tells you…
It's two thumbs up (you don't wanna know the alternative…!)
When we checked closer, we discovered I had obliterated Mr. Target's spine! Anything outside those two lines were the work of my teenage cohorts I'm sure…
Cause, mercy me, I do NOT wanna do anything to disappoint my shooting coach. Can't you tell? He. Means. Business.
Of course, if I don't pass his inspection, I suppose I can go back to shootin' the way I usually do…
Either way, it's just good, clean family fun, no?
What about you? Did you do anything different over the Thanksgiving holiday? Or, do you have any quirky family traditions? I'd love to hear in comments!
Years ago, I learned how to fire rifles. First a Mauser – a cap gun, frankly – then an M-16 and, finally, a Galil assault rifle. The experience taught me a few things:
1) You can’t focus without relaxing, and you can’t relax without focus. Figure out how to balance the two and you’ll drill the centre of the eye socket every time.
2) Only those who have learned to respect the power of using a weapon should be allowed to debate the issue. Everyone else is just tossing words mindlessly into the fray.
3) It feels good to line up on a target and squeeze the trigger. I can’t quite describe the visceral thrill, but it’s there. And I like it.
I’m glad you shared the experience in words and images. Wish I had had the foresight to do the same all those years ago. On second thought, maybe I’ll just find a range close to home…
Yikes…He is intimidating l….o..l
That would be my father…so serious!
It was great seeing ya’ll.
We took hand gun safety a few months ago. It was kind of boring, and I wish it had had a lot more target practicing. I enjoyed the target practice portion and our instructor was much less intimidating than yours 🙂