As a snow-deprived Southerner who finds kittenish delight in even the slightest of dustings, I understand mine is a short-sided view. Where I see beauty and wonder and fun, friends north and west of me see dread and danger and imposition.
I suppose it's a frosty bleached version of "the grass is always greener…."
Our celebrated, much-anticipated first EVAH White Christmas sent me on a photowalk around my yard and I discovered extraordinary coolness had been hanging just outside my bedroom window–
Maybe it's the nerdy kid in me, but I would love to see time-lapsed photography of the icicles forming.
They're gorgeous…
And haunting…
And stabbity…
Remember that scene in Lovely Bones where the very bad guy got his due? When an icicle broke off a building and impaled him? That's what I thought of when I took this picture–
…it would've been pretty funny for someone to have taken a shot of me hanging outside my window upside down, but for ego's sake, I'm glad no one saw me!
For perspective, I did break off one…
And with hat hair, no make-up on and 12 layers of clothes, I kinda look like the Abominable Snowman from Rudolph holding an icy scepter.
It doesn't take much to make me happy, does it? Weather?! While some find it pedestrian or unworthy of conversation, apparently I had plenty to say about it in 2010 ~
- Walking in thunder and lighting…(not on purpose!)
- My front yard baby rainbow (I didn't even know God made 'em this size!)
- And, yes…snow or the possibility of it :).
Please tell me I'm not the only one–if you've got a weather-related post in 2010, do share!
Whoah! That makes me think of Crocodile Dundee, only for icicles. Our best icicles have never been more than a finger width wide!
“That’s not an icicle.. THAT’S an ICICLE.”
SO glad you got a white Christmas! Yay! =)
That is exactly what thought about, The Lovely Bones scene to when I was looking at your pictures. They are beautiful and scary at the same time but this Southeast Texas girl won’t see anything like that.
Hi. I’m a Minnesotan. We tend to be OBSESSED with weather, partially because it’s life-or-death up here, partially because it’s a great conversation starter.
Proof: I wrote a post last January, Cool Things about the Cold, that was ALL about winter and how I make peace with it. (Also an education for my Southern friends about Northern life.)
And since you showed me icicles, I feel compelled to reciprocate with this post I wrote the first month I started blogging, back in 2007. Like you, we had icicles that could kill.
OH! And the word stabbity? I love. It is now part of my winter vernacular, for many reasons.