You can't fool them, you know.

Two pudgy hands cup left cheek and right, turn your face to demand your eyes laser lock onto hers, and she whisper-stomps "Mama, you're not listening…!"

Technically, you're right when you coo, "Yes I am, honey, I can just do two things at once," because you did hear her; but she's right because you weren't listening.

Hearing only requires ears; listening demands ears, eyes, mind…and heart. The difference is ages apart.

Your children don't just know the difference, they understand the difference:

Something else is more important
than they are in that moment. 

O u c h….

I grow weary from all the admonitions to focus on Christ during the Christmas season, to resist holiday busyness.  Please don't get me wrong–I agree with that!–but then I see a believing people tangled and lifeless in sticky-webs of shopping, baking, parties and school or church programs….

And mamas are distracted…

And daddies are working extra hard to pay for everything…

And though our homes have never looked more lovely or smelled more cinnamony delicious…

Our actions are speaking loudly and they don't always match up to our words.




~ Please continue reading over at {in}courage today. 

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