Extreme Makeover--Home Edition Chattanooga
Typically Around/About is a collection of links I love, sites I like, interesting reads or cool happenings nearby, but since Extreme Makeover:  Home Edition is in town (the family will learn who they are TOMORROW!!!) I thought it'd be fun to share how you can help support the build if you live in or near Chattanooga… or in some cases, even if you don't!

~ Make a difference for thousands of local familes:


Time2Save ~ Learn how you can save more to give more!

~ Attend a Special Event:


~ Wear your Extreme Pride.  Buy a tee shirt.

BigHeartsBuild tee shirt Tee shirts are available for $15 at First Tennesse Banks in the area.


 Wanna know anything else?  Check out the Big Hearts Wear Hardhats and builder Extreme Vision Homes website!

 Your turn:  Tell me something FUN happing in your neck of the woods or please share your favorite link from the past week (even if it's a post of your own!).

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