{Disclaimer: Remember…I'm n e w to this whole vlogging deal and I still don't quite know how to edit. I'm sure there's a way to make this shorter but I'll learn that for next time, k? 🙂 }
Kellogg's Share Your Breakfast
Unilever's Don't Fret the Sweat
Tide's Get Out Cafe featuring Stain Release
{More links to come…I'm out of pocket at Extreme Makeover: Home Edition's Greater Chattanooga build and it's kinda hard to track down all 42 sponsor links right now!!}
great vlog, you’re a natural 🙂
Could you look more gorgeous?
Didn’t think so…
PS Sponsors ROCKED it at Blissdom!
A to the Men!
Thank you so much for sharing the web site “Don’t Fret the Sweat”. I just spent a few minutes there and it’s great! I have an almost 13 year old girl and I work with tween/teen girls and boys often, so I know this will be a great resource :).
Conference sounds great! BBQ and red wine..YUM!!!
I could listen to your voice for a LONG time. So charming and soothing.
Thank you for the Share Your Breakfast link! I had not heard of this initiative from Kellogs. I have a HUGE burden for underfed children. I didn’t realize how pervasive the problem is, even in our own little town, until my daughter started public school here. I will definitely be passing on the information about this program!
ok, it was so great to FINALLY hear your voice. now when we skype chat I can have your perfect accent going in my head. 🙂