I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought;
and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. 
~ G.K. Chesterton


I continue to savor Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are; it won't be one of my top reads for 2011, it will be one of my top reads for life.  To read Ann is to love her, to know her is to love her more.  A rare, exquisite writer, Ann was born to share Christ through word written, spoken but mostly lived.  Her countenance belies a Jesus-knowing that makes me want to know Him better.  And though I know humble creature that she is, stumbling across any praise of her would cause instinctive recoil, when she realizes it is Christ in her that draws me, she wouldn't dare deny him his glory!

Ann's own one thousand gifts began on a whim, a scribbled list of gifts she already had.  She discovers "eucharisteo," a word Luke used when he recounted Jesus taking, breaking, giving thanks and sharing bread, a word rich and telling, pregnant in its significance, rooted in grace and thanksgiving and joy.

Her message is consistent in her book and on her blog-

Counting one thousand gifts is more than gratitude. That can be mere cultural construct. Counting one thousand gifts is about eucharisteo. That is Christ command. Eucharisteo, that Greek word that expresses what Christ did at the Last Supper: take the bread of pain as grace. Give thanks for that which is hard. Endure the cross, all in view of the joy set before.

Counting one thousand gifts means counting the hard things — otherwise I’ve miscounted. ~ Ann

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This morning in quiet and solitude and in delight of Spring's arrival, I find myself particularly grateful.  I'm naturally inclined toward thankfulness, for the big things and the small, but some days it's near impossible to contain.  Maybe because my first born will soon graduate, or maybe because I will soon add another year to my age, or maybe because there's a Season of "new" just around the corner, I find myself introspective and more appreciative of people.  

It seems right today to begin a list for my One Thousand Gifts, and given my pensive mood, it starts with "gifts" who live under my roof.

1.  Recent soul-conversations with my husband, heart-stirrers and marriage-difference makers, the kind I forgot I need.

2.  My daughter's persistence in reconciling relationship.

3.  Discovering that my daughter reads non-fiction just like me!  Pen(cil) in hand, outlining, circling and writing notes.  (I wonder, did she learn this from me or is it shared DNA or???)

4.  My oldest son's quick wit and ability to make me laugh…even when I'm not happy with him.  Maybe especially then.

5.  My youngest son's notice and compliment every time I get my hair cut…it's genuine.  


…to be continued

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Delighted to finally be joining this beautiful symphony of gratitude…join us?


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