Have you ever struggled with a relationship you wanted to pursue that met with resistance or indifference–or worse–from the object of your friendly affection? Perhaps professional or conceivably personal, a pursuit that leaves you scratching your head over the "why" of it? I was chatting on Facebook talking about that very thing with a friend this morning and she offered empathy and wisdom with a word picture that perfectly expressed this rub–
It's ok if EVERYONE doesn't like you and you don't have to like everyone. But unrequited LIKE is a hard pill to swallow. I've swallowed it before. It takes time and leaves some phantom pains–like when you swallow a tortilla chip and it scratches your throat.
Encouraging, simplistic brilliance from my friend Amanda, who of course used a food analogy to illustrate her point.
{{winks and smiles and moves right along…}}
p.s. Y'all DO know who I'm (mis)quoting in the title, right???
The food analogy worked perfectly! 😉
That would be Sally Field you are misquoting from when she won the Academy Award, right?
I am familiar with the situation, and it took a long time to understand that it is okay. I too, have come across people that are simply fine, but there isn’t a desire to “pursue” them. There are simply folks you connect with more. It doesn’t mean they are insufficient, nor are you when you are the person experiencing the unrequited like.
However, I will say there has been a recent occurrence where I was really left scratching my head, saying “milk-a-what”? (Etrade baby commercial, my favorite)
Unrequited like is a tough pill to swallow but I certainly prefer it over “fake” like. I came to that conclusion this morning and loudly “unfriended” over half of my Facebook friends.
Yep. Been there.
Colleen, brilliant I tell ya :).
Bingo! Sally Field FTW!! 🙂
I remember advice my dad gave me when I went to college; it went much the way this conversation did, him knowing that sticks and stones didn’t hurt me near as much as people’s words (or withholding of words…).
I’m a people liker/lover in general; so when I hit a glitch for invisible reasons, I notice. What spurred the conversation I wrote about was one of those (the less said better 😉 ).
And your etrade baby mention? Two thumbs up!
I found you on Twitter, I checked out your blog…and for the life of me I’m trying to figure out how you found this post! Do tell if you see this note!
I saw your post and figure it this way; you aren’t playing the social media game and you’re drawing a sharp line to divide the friend line. Nothin’ wrong with that, just a choice. 🙂
I can’t imagine anyone not liking you, Robin. You’re adorable, generous, and genuine. I think you sparkle.
Just wanted to whisper this that ache in your throat.
*to that ache
Found it searching Google for Asheville Tapas. Go figure…..
Love the food analogy and so dislike unrequited like!