Projectsimplify2 There is no greater evidence of God's twisted sense of humor than when he pairs a Messy with a Neat Freak 'til death do us part.  

It's a combustible combination that will have both parties at times tugging and warring.

In our family, I'm the messy.  

I'm pretty good at cleaning, mind you, but that organizing and decluttering business?  Well, sometimes the mere thought of it strangles me in paralyzing chokehold.  It's not that I don't have the want toI do, I really do!–I just don't have the follow through.  

Can we call it adult-onset A.D.D.?  Or genetic?  My dad was the biggest clutter-hound on the planet (well, I thought he was until I saw an episode of Niecy Nash's Clean House…!).

In spite of my natural tendency to multiply clutter like a dozen libidinous bunnies, I actually enjoy seasons of organization.  I can't predict it, I can't manufacture it, but when it strikes me SWEETMERCYcarpe that diem!  

W e l l, lovies…it hit me last week when my husband traveled to , an energizing, irresistible force of Spring Cleaning meets project simplify.

Maybe it was a case of sympathetic, transferred nesting for Lisa Jo; or perfect timing with the start of my kids' Spring Break; or all of that coupled with inspiration from…

I met Tsh/Simple Mom years ago at the first Blissdom Conference; I've admired her ever since.  With great design sense, clear vision for her site and an obvious heart for God and family, she leads by example.  When she asked me to guest post about parenting teenagers** in her Seasons of Parenting series, then invited me as a regular contributor for that niche, I was honored and thrilled.  To the max.

Book03 Her book, Organized Simplicity: The Clutter-Free Approach to Intentional Living, is six shades of fabulous

practical, beautiful and inspiring, and one of you have a chance to win one!  We'll get to that in a minute.

Simple Mom is midway through project simplify, a five-week series challenging readers "to roll up their sleeves and clear the clutter from the different “hot spots” in their homes."  

By focusing on specific tasks each week, she makes de-cluttering doable and almost downright FUN by having her community do it together, celebrating accomplishment with before/after photos.  

This week's Hot Spot:  kids' clothes and toys.

Did I mention it's Spring Break at Chez Pensieve?  Me thinks the kids might suddenly come down with Mama-induced Spring(break) Cleaning Fever.  There's only one cure for that…. 😉

While I'm not following project simplify to a "T", I'm reading along gaining inspiration and encouragement from those taking part.  Simple Mom is all about doing what works for you…and honestly?  For the first time ever I was more about the cleaning/decluttering/organizing process than I was about photo-documenting the occasion!!  Wonders never cease….

Wanna win a copy of Organized Simplicity?  (trust me, you do!)  Please leave a thoughtful comment below relevant to this post by Friday, March 25th at 11:59 EST.  ("Great post!" or "I want to win!" comments mean nothing to me and will be disqualified.)   Maybe share your favorite Spring Cleaning and organizing tips or let me know if you're already taking part in project simplify. 

After you do that, feel free to enter as many times as you like by leaving a separate comment indicating you've done any/all of the following.  Winner will be chosen by Random Integer Generator (unless you write a really cool cleaning-related haiku or poem and I'm swayed to pick favorites….).

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  • Tweet a link to this giveaway and comment its specific URL.
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**  If you're interested, here's my two-part series for Seasons in Parenting:

Parenting Teens, Part 1
Parenting Teens, Part 2


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