How can the ordinary be nothing short of miraculous?
Before first breath she was wholly dependent on me. Every beat of my heart thundered in her ears, the white noise of mother comfort. My body was her protector, her strength, her incubator…her first home…and when forced to leave–because it was time–she did so reluctantly, kicking and screaming in protest.
I suppose I would, too, suddenly and painfully squeezed from obsidian cocoon to lights and cameras and action.
Almost 6,800 days sandwich between then and now, time evidenced by brilliant metamorphosis, the girl-child becoming woman.
Inching breath by breath away from first home. Because it is time.
My first born and only daughter graduates in 28 days.
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My submission for The Gypsy Mama's five-minute writing prompt, this week's theme "On Distance." If you aren't familiar, be sure to read the guidelines for 5MF and then try your hand at it!
Although I went a few minutes beyond (not on purpose!), I didn't go back and edit. Oh, my…THIS one could've gone on for days!
How fun, 28 days. Congrats! Great post!
Riding this wave with you, dear friend. It’s a sweet time, isn’t it?
Congratulations to your daughter and to you. This was a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing!
Oh yes – I can completely understand! Thanks for sharing so well!
Congratulations?! 🙂 Mine is only five but I look towards that day already with sadness.
The distance of time… and an approaching reality.. love how you write this. Makes me want to savor the moments.
I’m right there with you, except it is my baby this time around. A bag of mixed-emotions for sure.
My daughter is going to kindergarten in a year and I tear up just thinking of that. I can’t imagine what a mess I will be with college…
Thanks to EVERYONE for your kind words (and for visiting!)!
Shelly, yes ma’am, it is. Glad you understand from the inside out :).
Alita, double thanks to you!!
Gaby, I promise there’s plenty of “sweet” to match the bitter.
Jamie, my baby will be “here” too before I know it! Hugs to YOU!
Tobi, that’s why God gets you there slow & steady (with a few bumps along the way). You’ll be ready when it’s time and it’s OK to be sad, too!
Oh, the tears this brings to my eyes. The closer the Birth Day of this little one I carry creeps, the more I cherish the babyhood of my swiftly growing 2yo. So fast it flies, I can’t yet fathom the countdown you are on.