Beauty Zest is the secret of all beauty.
There is no beauty that is attractive without it. 

~ Christian Dior

Sitting in a room full of women, at a dinner generously hosted by Therapon after Blissdom’s closing key note, paradox struck me:

How could we be different and yet so similar at the same time?

Christina asked each of us to share our thoughts and perspective on inner beauty; what could have been repetitive or even trite, ended up being an affecting, heartfelt symphony about beauty, and I reached for the only scrap of paper I could find–a deposit slip!–to record those thoughts to share with you.  These are only slivers of our discussion and I missed a few women, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on real beauty after you consider their list.

{Please and I promise your day will be FULL of beautiful thoughts, begging to share your own.}


Photo credit:  All Posters 

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