Elizabeth Taylor Gold She hasn’t been featured in a TV movie or show in over ten years nor appeared in film in a substantive role in over 20, yet at her death Elizabeth Taylor remains one of Hollywood’s most recognizable movie stars of all time. Hear her name and you think the Golden Age of Glamour, or White Diamonds, or scandalous–married eight times to seven men.

In her prime, she was arguably the most beautiful woman in America.  Violet pools, her unforgettable eyes, perfectly sculpted brow, creamy complexion framed in black curls, seductive lips that begged kiss, curves that made women covet and men blush–in an era when that was still possible.

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Please…click through to continue reading at The Skinny, Therapon's sassy, revamped online community.  I wrote this shortly after Taylor's death, and I had forgotten how much I enjoyed this post until I re-read it today.  I hope you'll take a few minutes to read and share your thoughts on a true American Idol.   

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