Sometimes I do or say things my kids don't care for.
Like when I tell them "Do (or don't do) ________, or I'll take a baseball bat to your knee caps."
For example, "If you or any of your friends ride your RipStick down our VERY STEEP driveway AGAIN, I will take a baseball bat to your knee caps."
Bloody carnage seems to beget bloody carnage, and the gruesome pictures recently texted to me of their friend warrant my obsidian warning.
Now it's not that I'm a violent soul or that they feel threatened in any way; it just sounds awful. And based on its hyperbolic ludicrousness, it's funny to me.
Just not to them.
So imagine my sheer delight when I discovered this in an etsy shop—
Let's just say my children don't share my enthusiasm and the oldest is questioning why-in-THE-world she ever called me perfect….
I'm okay with that.
You crack me up — that SO sounds like something I would say. So glad to have found your blog. We’ll be fast friends, I can already tell. 🙂 Oh, and I’m an ellipses abuser (and lousy ironer) too. Glad to know I’m in good company…
Cara, I'm SO glad you commented! Now I'm afraid I've scared everyone else off!! And I LOVE that you're a sister ellipses abuser!! xo
So sorry I was “too busy” to read this one on June 30th … hey but life was doing what life does!
I got here today from here …
And identified with your mothers heart as to a sister!
I LOVE THIS! I’VE done very similiar things with my sons … I can hear them groaning now! 🙂
They are full grown productive adults now … unless still living at home alters that somehow … and I can assure you and soothe your heart and shaking head that they do live through their hideous thinking and reasonings!
Ehhhh boys! FYI: after a 20 year [unfunded] behavorial experiment in NJ it has been found in this motherscience experts opinion that Menchildren do not behaviorally mature past the ages of 8 to 15 years of age … hence Spongebob and Angry Beavers cartoons!
Have a blessed day and thank you!