When I think of Shaun Groves, I always, always think of Annie Wilkes, Paul Sheldon's "rescuer" in the Stephen King novel, Misery, perhaps better remembered as Kathy Bates and James Caan in the movie adaptation
of the book; which incidentally I never saw because I read the book.
Annie, we come to find out, is mentally deranged and wants to keep Sheldon to herself and forever. Throughout the book (and I presume the movie), she declares "I am your number one fan," initially flattering but progressively creepy, ominous, obsessive…and deadly.
I feel like Annie Wilkes because I'm a number one fan of Shaun Groves–the man, his music, and his ministry.
Maybe not THE number one fan, but at least A number one fan.
And after a five-year hiatus, Shaun has just completed his new album, Third World Symphony, available now in his store, and on iTunes and Amazon August 30th. One of the coolest aspects to TWS is Shaun funded its production through the financial support of friends and fans. Like me.
And the fuel that feeds his desire to produce a new album is all about the Kingdom:
- in order to stay relevant musically, he has to produce new music
- in order to have opportunities to speak, he needs to remain relevant musically
- in order to share the message of Compassion International, he needs opportunities to speak
- in order to get kids living in poverty sponsored, he needs to share the message of Compassion International
- In order to introduce Jesus to those who've never met Him, he needs to get kids living in poverty sponsored.
And then the Kingdom comes, and God's will is done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Listen free, then buy the album to support one of my favorite Kingdom workers.
Third World Symphony by shaungroves
Or you can skip the album and just sponsor a kid in need; I don't think Shaun would mind very much.
p.s. Dear Shaun, If you happened to read my last post and are shaking in your shoes, I promise never, ever to break your knee caps with a baseball bat. Love, Robin, Your #1-ish Fan.
Put down the bat, Robin.
Not skeered at all. And beyond thankful for you and all you do for kids around the world.
Thanks, friend.
{{rubs hands together…}} Now that I've got you lulled into a false sense of security……….. 😉
I’ve been listening and enjoying and cannot WAIT to be able to buy it! It’s SUCH good stuff.
Wait a minute, I thought I was Shaun’s creepy number one fan?