Right after I joined Chick-fil-A last Spring, I had opportunity to attend Chick-fil-A Leadercast (via a simulcast closer to home)–"the can’t-miss leader development event for everyday leaders like you."  True to its billing, Chick-fil-A Leadercast is an event that energizes and inspires, motivates and encourages…and quite honestly, lights a fire under your tail.

Next year area Chick-fil-A restaurants are hosting a simulcast here in Chattanooga; what you might lose in electricy from the live event in Atlanta, you'll more than gain back in intimacy, networking in our own community and saving money.  I HOPE you'll make plans now to attend May 4, 2012; details will come soon.

Need more convincing?  Just look at the speaker line-up announced minutes ago (click below the pictures for more information about each speaker):

Screen shot 2011-10-11 at 2.42.24 PM
Screen shot 2011-10-11 at 2.42.42 PM

…and more yet to be named! 

Follow all Chick-fil-A Leadercast 2012 speakers on the list curated by @ChickfilA_CHA to get to know them better between now and then.

Stay tuned….

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If you haven't already, please be sure to subscribe to PENSIEVE in a reader or by email for more information as we work through local details. 


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