31 days of Parenting Teens & Tweens at PENSIEVE  A parenting series that doesn't build from one post to the next; rather, it's a collection of thoughts and advice from a mama who's been there, doing that, intended as encouragement, not dogma. I hope you'll check in every day to see if I'm speaking to YOU! ~ ?



Ten things to teach your children
before they leave home for good

  1. How to clean their bathroom, properly.
  2. How to separate, wash, dry and fold the laundry.
  3. Basic concepts of money management, including saving, giving to others and planning ahead.
  4. How to sew on a button.
  5. The right way to use jumper cables.
  6. Map reading skills for when you're out of range for a GPS.
  7. How to cook at least three things.
  8. How to check the air in a car's tires and how to change a tire.
  9. How to calculate a tip for a meal.
  10. How to fill out a job application and interviewing skills.

Ten random thoughts with a million others yet to be named.  Add your voice in comments?  What do you think every tween and teen needs to know before leaving home?


THANK YOU for following and for telling others who might benefit.  Also, if you haven't subscribed to PENSIEVE already, might you do so in a reader or by email

Missed a post?  Here ya go!

Day 1:  to 31 Days of Parenting Teens & Tweens

Day 2:  and developing a parenting philosophy

Day 3:  Tell 'em what they need to hear, not what they wanna hear

Day 4:  Give 'em a push

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