Some of the best parenting advice I can offer is over 2000 years old.  It's as relevant today as it was when first recorded, though it wasn't even suggested in the context of parent-child relationship ~

Keep current in your relationships; maintain a short account with your teens and tweens.  Don't let a day go by without speaking words that need to be said.

  • Offer a sincere apology when you've offended.
  • Grant forgiveness when you've been offended.
  • Provide encouragement when discouragement looms.
  • Say I love you.  Often.
  • Tell stories, share your life's minutia…

Don't let anything important ~ anything ~ go unsaid.

Whether or not you're a follower of Christ, words recorded in Scripture make practical sense for everyone ~

And “don’t sin by letting anger control you.” Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil. ~ Ephesians 4:26, 27 NLT

The passage in Matthew where Jesus basically asserts that words can kill and you better make things right, and quickly.

In Hebrews, where we're cautioned to "work at living in peace with everyone" and not to "watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up" troubling you and corrupting many. 

Because we don't know what tomorrow will bring, isn't it necessary and right and considerate to remain current with our children?  To take the high road, if need be, and reconcile relationship when it's been severed.

We're the grown-ups!  Our children need us to act the part, to take the first step in making amends, to make sure we aren't the ones harboring anger, resentment or bitterness.  They'll follow our lead.

One of the most poignant examples of doing this well and right was illustrated following the unexpected death of a friend of mine.  Her daughter's moving eulogy was indicator they were current; her daughter could let her go because there was nothing left unsaid between them.  

Are you current in your relationship with your children?  Is there anything you need to say or do?  Are there stories you want them to hear from you, family lore they won't otherwise learn?  Please…don't let another day go by without making sure you've got a very short account with your teen or tween.


Parenting Teens & Tweens, Day 24

Thanks to those of you who have subscribed in a reader or by email!  I hope you're enjoying reading my parenting series as much as I'm delighting in writing it.  Only a few days left and I hope you're checking in!

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