My youngest has sworn by this cure for months, but I've been skeptical.
Until tonight.
I didn't just have the hiccups, I had the hiccup-burps; much more annoying and completely unladylike. So I figured I had nothing to lose and protein to gain.
I've tried holding my breath, exhaling then holding it, drinking a glass of water, and who knows what else to get rid of hiccups. Who knew that a spoon full of peanut butter would do the trick? I mean besides Stephen…?
Immediately they stopped. I'm now a believer. My son is brilliant. Home remedies rock.
Which has me wondering, what are your tried and true home remedies? For hiccups, toe fungus or any other bothersome but not life threatening malady? Do tell!
I think toe fungus is a cure for hiccups, I’m not sure how.
A bite of chocolate is what we do in our house to get rid of hiccups. and we have proven to many that it really works
For hiccups, I just do controlled breathing. If you can breathe through a hiccup, you can force your diaphragm to get back in rhythm. I discovered this once when I got the hiccups during a concert (I play French horn). I had to play a long passage without taking a breath – and forcing the air out cured the hiccups! It’s what I do every time now.
Another one is to get rid of the itch of a mosquito bite: dig your fingernail into the bite, making an x shape with your nails over the center of the bite. It will relieve the itch for a short time – usually long enough that you can get home and get something on it without going crazy.
My husband uses vicks vapo rub every night on the bottom of his feet to stop his chronic cough!
And what Rachel said about the x marking the mosquito bite spot…works like a charm.
my 8 year old son, who learned this from my husband, swears by drinking water from a glass upside-down. hold the glass, and drink from the opposite side while bending over (forward-facing). it really does help him every single time!
I’m a bit late to the game, but my favorite home remedy is using 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of sugar to heal your burned tongue when you drink something too hot. This happens to me more often than not, because who can wait for Starbucks to cool off? Not me. Anyway, this also works for biting the inside of your lip or cheek. Doesn’t cure immediately, but a day later it’s barely noticeable.