trust noun \?tr?st\
1 a: assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. b: one in which confidence is placed
2 a: dependence on something future or contingent; hope
Quick – Who are the people and/or what are the things that you trust with 100% assurance? I only have five minutes to write, so you only have five minutes to answer.
My first thoughts ~
I can rely on the character, ability and strength of my husband, all of which have been demonstrated in great measure during the weeks leading up to our move.
I’m confident in the unconditional love of my children, resilient, forgiving and sure.
My sister is my biggest cheerleader.
When I sit in a chair I’m certain it will do its job.
When I drive down the road I’m hopeful others will also do what they’re supposed to do.
When I surrender to a plane for an eight-hour flight, my trust is evidenced by the fact I. get. on. that. plane. ~ in spite of my wary and anxious feelings.
My belief in God has little to do with what I think, nothing to do with what I feel, nothing to do with what I’ve done (or will do) but completely in what He has already done and will do. And because of that belief, regardless of my circumstance (good or bad, especially the bad), God is using my life’s circumstances for my good, His glory, and as part of His Kingdom work.
And I thought of Casting Crown’s Mark Hall’s refrain to Voice of Truth ~
The voice of truth tells me a different story
The voice of truth says, “Do not be afraid!”
And the voice of truth says, “This is for My glory”
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I would choose to listen and believe
What things come to your mind that you honest-to-goodness fully trust?
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Submitted for Lisa Jo’s weekly Five-minute Friday writing prompt.
it amazes me that I trust a person I’ve never met to carry me in the sky, but I have a hard time trusting myself or God in little situations. Great choices for trust!
Love that song – I have to remind myself of its truth MANY times a week!
Great song — love it!
Honest to goodness trust? I’d have to say my husband. He has never given me one single reason to feel that I can’t trust him, which is so awesome to be able to say, especially as a military spouse. During deployments, remote tours, TDYs, etc., he makes sure that I know that I’m his one & only. I’m blessed! 🙂
I love how you made a list of things/people you truly trust. Inspiring words… 🙂