I saw his face, I learned about his plight, and now I'm asking you to help. Because the truth is, if you're able to read this (as am I), you're (we're) in a position where you can help. A little, a lot, it's of no concern to me…but it is to Fatao, who's life depends on the help of strangers.
Fatao is a little boy with ventricular septal defect – a hole in his heart – and the Compassion community is trying to raise $23,000 for surgery that will save his life…save his life! Without the help of many, he will die. (Shaun shared even more about Fatao; I'm just linking to the necessary sites if you're willing to give NOW!!)
Because I've traveled with Compassion, I can vouch for its credibility and life-changing work in the lives of the people it touches.
After reading this little boy's story, would you consider a financial gift?
Because his broken heart breaks mine.
(Thank you….)
I saw my first tweet about Fatao late yesterday and thought I’ll send a donation as soon as I get to work tomorrow. As I was awake in the night, I wished I’d stopped what I was doing to donate right away. As soon as I got to my desk this morning, I took care of it. I can’t wait to hear that he has had successful surgery and see a picture of him running and playing!