

Yeah, that.

I'm finding it a l e e t l e bit more difficult to do over "here" than at home because everything is new and there's always something else to do.  

Don't get me wrong, I've taken at least 5,000 pictures (unfortunately, that's no exaggeration), but I haven't quite committed the time to write their stories.  

Anyways, my friend Tom Hanks of Holly fame had a conversation with David Letterman that nails at least part of our German experience.  With power house movies like Saving Private Ryan and Apollo 13, you forget that his humble beginnings started with Bosom Buddies and he knows how to effectively tickle a funny bone.  

Watch this.  Take out the bit about Racer X and pretend Tom Hanks is me and you'll know what life is like in Germany at 200 mph.

Except 130 km/hour; I LAUGH at 130 km/hour.  I've hit 160.  You do the math.


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