Who knew sweet Katie Couric was a THIEF? She STOLE the TRD from me! (Part one)
A sister's tale aka Big Sisters are Bossy! (Part two)
I have no idea how many women have worn and been photographed in the original Traveling Red Dress, but their dress sizes range from 6 to 18 or so. Some would say that's the magic of the dress….
But I don't buy it.
I call it determination.
How else do you explain enduring two hours of my sister bossing me around while I simultaneously sucked in stomach and back fat, tugged the dress up to hide padding and bra, and carefully carried the dress's train so as not to flash my turquoise underwear at ALL THE PEOPLE STARING AT THE LADY IN THE SHOCKINGLY RED GOWN.
Grueling work, people. I no longer snort with disdain when a model whines about how hard her work is; I give her a sympathetic nod. Or I would if I ever actually heard a model whining.
The magic of the red dress isn't that it's one size fits most; its magic is what happens to the wearer when she puts it on.
It is as unique for each woman as her own thumbprint, but I'm inclined to think for all of us it represents much more than meets the eye.
* * * * * * *
I'll be 50 next year.
I've never dreaded milestone birthdays or getting older; realizing how young my mother was when she lost her battle with cancer I'm thankful for each year! The year I turned 38–the age she was when she died–something happened inside of me: My perspective shifted. No longer was growing older something that happened to me; it was the price I had the privilege of paying to enjoy life.
But 50 is a Big One and let's just say I'm a w a r e.
So. The Traveling Red Dress…
For me it was a matter of a few wonderful things ~
Simple j'oie de vivre.
Discovering I have more wrinkles than I realized but being pleasantly surprised not to mind them; I decided they're simply the wake of my smile :).
Seeing myself through my sister's eyes.
Being brave and comfortable…and a little flamboyant in my 49-year-old skin.
As I've shared before, my Word for 2012 is Adventure; putting on this dress and wearing it in public certainly made for a fun one. That's a whole 'nother story in and of itself–something happened that has never happened to me before!
I hope you'll make a new entry for your bucket list that includes a Princess Dress; and that you wear it some place special and have someone you love or trust capture the moment for you. You'll thank me, I promise.
Who knows–maybe Katie Couric will hear about it and beg you to be on her show….
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The Katie Couric Show is offering viewers a red dress giveaway–click for details!
You are GORGEOUS and I love this so much! So glad you shared. 🙂
Girlfriend! You are hot! 🙂
Love you!
Ari!!! I’m so happy you checked in on me. YOU are one of the most photogenic creatures of the planet. I wish you could teach me your charm :).
Ummm, that’s what I always say to you. So it means *somethin’* special when you say it to ME. Love to you (and Airs) (and can’t wait to see you girls in a few weeks….yes???).
Oh. You are so beautiful.
You are beautiful…inside and out!
I have to agree with Rachel! I can’t believe the pins held up! That thing was huge on you!
Gorgeous! What fun.
So, so beautiful. Your words, you, your sister. Just beautiful. My favorite is the profile one, right after the words about the wake of your smile. Thanks for sharing!
I love the posts where we get to see Robin Dance. You do it so beautifully 🙂
I don’t remember how I came across your blog, but I’m glad I did. You (and the photos) capture the magic. How fun!
Your “bossy” sister reminds me of mine, and makes me wish she were here right now. Sisters are so good for us.
Hey Robin, You look soo pretty! 50 isn’t that bad!!!
You are soo pretty! Perfect photo location for the “red dress”! 50 isn’t THAT bad!!! 😉
absolutely stunning!!!!
The last picture is my favorite, also – it captures YOU! And, about the wrinkles? Moisturizer! I’m 54 (yes, years) & moisturize like a maniac. My philosophy is you can never have too much. P.S. I need a red dress, too.
Wow!!!! You are stunning. Makes me look forward to turning 50. So glad you did this and shared the photos.
You and that red dress are something else, Robin. You are stunning, woman. Clearly, you love life. It shows.
Everything about this post makes me smile and deepen my laugh lines. Thank you for this gift.
Exquisite and astoundingly beautiful.
I’m prowling now for a dress…
MAny blessings in paris!
I wish that I looked that good at almost 32! Holy cow!!!
Love the pictures. I sure do miss you!!! You are absolutely stunning in the Red Dress!!! LOVE YOU!!
Just back from vacation and getting caught up. LOVE the red dress . . . and YOU! Those photos are gorgeous. I feel like you and I should hold hands and jump together into 2013. The big 5-0 is coming! Lots of conflicting emotions on my part; you, however, handle it with so much grace.
BEAUTIFUL! That dress is amazing in that it looks so good on so many people…
Robin you are such a beautiful person inside and out! Always love all of you articles, of family and adventure!! Just continue to enjoy your amazing life!
I adore you. You are beautiful and then some.
You are beautiful inside AND out! (as said tenfold times in other comments).
So – um….. What did Mr. T.D. think of your sexy self?
this picture does not jive with your most recent post about modesty (at deeper story). just being real… that whole line about wanting women to “put their boobs away”… i agree, and while you may have smaller boobs than the waitress, what you do have is on display…
While there are many things I could say in response to your honest, direct comment, I will only say this: though I expressed conflict in processing why I felt compelled to write that piece, my general feeling is it was more about freedom to speak the truth to one another than anything else (though I understand why readers took away more of the convo re: modesty).
The expression on my face in the picture you referenced was my favorite to express how much fun my sister and I had that day; but if it sends an inconsistent message, I certainly don’t feel the need to leave it up. My husband, friends and family have a link to our fun photo shoot.