After 25 years, he still doesn't completely understand me.

It was just the two of us alone in the car that day, when I casually mentioned entering the HGTV Dream Home giveaway.

"Why do you enter giveaways?" he asks, incredulous that anyone bothers to enter when hundreds of thousands (millions?) will do the same. It's the only contest I enter year in and out, and this year I'm especially hopeful:  it's a dream home near our favorite vacation destination.

I smiled and explained, "Well, s o m e o n e will win and I don't stand a chance of being that someone unless I enter."  Perfectly logical.

It's silly, I know, especially when the odds are stacked outrageously high against me. But I really, truly, no-matter-how-ridiculous-it-sounds believe I could win.

Sitting in the car that day, our seemingly innocuous conversation led me to realize something important:

You're gonna have to click over to (in)courage to discover my car-ride epiphany, and I REALLY hope you see the heart of what I'm trying to communicate.  On the surface, this is a post that seems full of fluff, maybe even shallow; but if you let it, it really goes to the heart of who YOU are….

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