Rsz_50th-birthday-blog-giveaway-mad-hatter-birthday-cakeToday's Birthday Bash Giveaway makes me giddy. 

Giddy as in whimsical and wild (not silly or impulsive) because it's not just one gift, it's two.  And, actually, it's divided into two packages with a total of five gifts.

Annnnd it's from one of my oldest, arguably best-known blog friends…Pioneer Woman.  Ree and I go waaaaay back because I've been blogging a looooonnng time.  I knew she was something special – and someone I could relate to – when she talked about her aversion to boogers, a word I can barely even write (which didn't stop me from blogging about it – GOOD GRAVY – not just once but TWICE!).

It has been pure delight to see Ree's blog career evolve–first publishing her calendars; then her cookbooks, love story and children's books; selling the movie rights to her love story; appearances on morning shows; and finally a cooking show on the Food Network.  I've always admired how she could pack so much in a day, and girlfriend can tell a story like few others. 

Today I get to offer readers autographed copies of ALL of her published books; a grown-up gift set and a children's gift set:

For the Grown-ups:



OR this darling package for children:











Don't let Rafflecopter intimidate you!  Once you get the hang of it, it makes entering giveaways so easy.  And lovies…….I'm just getting started with the giveaways.  I'm over-the-top grateful for and cannot believe the things that have already been contributed!  Is the best yet to come?  Check back in tomorrow and you can be the judge.

 NOTE:  Kristen wins the Grown-up pack and Hillary wins the Kids' Pack–Addresses please, ladies!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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