A collection of links I love, sites I like, interesting reads or cool happenings nearby.
If you read this on Saturday, I'll be occupied: I'm headed to Tiger Town to watch Clemson put a hurtin' on the Georgia Bulldogs (hopefully a soon-to-be reality and not just wishful thinkin'…). WAHOOOO!!! CLEMSON *DID* BEAT GEORGIA IS A BEAUTIFUL GAME–38-35!!!
But there's some great stuff on the internets and I would be remiss if I didn't share —
First, two must-read books from two amazing friends (affiliate links included):
Speak Love: Making Your Words Matter
by Annie Downs (whom I simply adore). Oh, this message makes me cheer! I'm not going to say another single thing about it because Annie's own words will grip your heart and compel you to grab this book right away. Watch and be inspired–
And ohmymercy–Ann Voskamp released a gorgeous advent book yesterday and it's already #8 on ALL OF AMAZON!
The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas
(I'm sharing this image from Ann's blog post yesterday because it's SO beautiful!)
The Greatest Gift will make a wonderful gift for yourself and others, and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy.
I've already got Annie's book in hand and it's next on my reading list.
Now, on to perhaps less exciting but very cool interwebbing–
One more reason to love Chattanooga. I'm already in the middle of telling you why I Love Where I Live, and if some companies and city officials have their way, Chattanooga will REALLY be a hotspot.
The 100 Best Websites for Women, 2013. Forbes provides a wealth of resources in this list; while not everything appeals to me, and of course, there are omissions, I've found a BUNCH of new sites I want to read every day.
How Do We Help Miley? by Annie Downs. Ooops, I'm linking to Annie all over the place–her new book above, over at incourage today, and now here. What can I say? Annie has great things to share and this post will help you consider another response to Miley's insane performance at the VMA… Plus, word has it, the post broke the internet for a day or two.
Duck Dynasty's Cultural Christianity. For everyone who thinks standing in a garage makes you a car.
And finally, the most epic Convocation speech EVAH; by Georgia Tech sophomore, Nick Selby. The first four minutes are fine, but right after the five-minute mark you might just rise to your feet. Out of the ballpark, people…straight to the moon.
Your turn:
What have you seen or written I need to learn about?? Do share in comments!