A collection of links I love, sites I like, interesting reads or cool happenings nearby.
During the month of October (or what I like to call "The Month Nester Takes Over the Internet With Her #31Days Writing Challenge") I'll be featuring some of my favorite of the 1,500 31 Days co-writers. I'm writing about the Wonder of a Woman, and before you think this is a tired, ordinary "girl power" series, give it a chance. My WOW series (because I'm taking creative license to drop the "a" in the acronym and how much do I love it spells "wow"?!) will include personal reflections (on women, motherhood and aging), inspiring quotes, a guest post or two and probably some things that surprise me.
I'm not one of those amazing creature who plans out a month in advance; I both offer a standing ovation and despise them a little bit. Really, truly…only a teensy bit.
Anyway, this weekend I'm directing you to a few of those who share my category, "Too Awesome to Categorize". Enjoy 31 Days of–
- Doing Things That Scare You by Andrea and Denise, who are taking literally Eleanor Roosevelt's challenge to Do one thing every day that scares you.
- Giving Permission to… ~ Sometimes we just need to receive permission to do (or not do) whatever it is we're wrestling with. Diane Trautwein has stumbled onto a wonderful topic and I can't wait to see all the ways she tries to be the boss of me :).
- Extraordinary Ordinary ~ Jessica is keeping these posts brief–a plus for a 31-Day series. Their simplicity will help you to see what you just might be missing under your nose. @handmedowngrace
- Noticing ~ Elizabeth Marshall is a poet even when she writes prose. This series is a call to pay attention. Apparently I need reminding.
- Answers to Questions about American Politics ~ Jes definitely has a political persuasion but she's not letting that bias her answers. Short, sweet and informative, if you want to understand more about the basics, this is a fantastic series for you!
- Caring for Myself Body and Soul ~ I've met Richella and when I hear her kind heart, I always want to get to know her better. This series is a month-long look at self-care, something harried women can too often overlook.
- Fair & Square, a fair trade crash course ~ Fair trade is always at least on my periphery and this week it hit me dead on with Simple Mom's post on child slavery and the chocolate industry; it was perfect timing to stumble across this Jessica's website, For the Love of Justice; I'm especially grateful that she is building a database of fair trade retailers.
- Life in Afghanistan. Mercy…through personal story, you're going to get a powerful telling about lifing in Afghanistan. SO good. @e_j_reading
- Stories from the South ~ Confession: I haven't read these yet. But this is a topic I considered for myself, and I'm bookmarking it here to remember to go back and read.
- Killer Quotes ~ From my real life friend, Dawn Camp, another series topic I considered.
- Lagniappe ~ What the heck?? You'll have to check out Katie's explanation, then follow this light-hearted series. p.s. I had to include it because it reminded me of surcies :).
SO many GREAT series!
Tell me a few you're following or which ones above you plan to!!