Great quote on aging by Eleanor Roosevelt - Image by Robin Dance


Below is content originally included in my incourage post today but later deleted to meet word count guidelines. Like always, I wrote without regard to length, simply writing until I was done.  The result was almost 400 words longer than it was supposed to be. Oopsie!  Rather than deleting these two sections altogether I’m including them below (mainly because I want them for me….).

I hope you’ll read Laughing Lines, Part I over at incourage; among other things, it speaks to embracing age with joy.


~ Originally between sections iii & iv ~ 


Sometimes working in the online world is hard for me.

I write shoulder to shoulder with amazing women (and men) who have accomplished so much.  With heartfelt and sincere joy I celebrate every book deal and opportunity. It is when I begin comparing myself that I open the door for the enemy of my soul to pluck a nerve, pierce my Achilles.  The Accuser taunts me – “Everyone” has passed you by.  They’re 10 or 20 years younger than you and look at what they’ve done! – and I believe it.

It is when I am not trusting God and what He says about me that I fall into the wicked trap of believing I have nothing of value to offer.

It’s a short but slippery descent.

Here’s the thing: God doesn’t play games.  He is good, only good, and He wants what’s best for me always.

God is for me not against me. In my body resides His spirit and He’s calling out glory – His – to shine to a lost and hurting world that desperately needs to know Him!

Lovies, the same applies to all of His daughters…you, included.




~ Originally included after iv ~

No wonder I have thrilled to the selection for the Spring/Summer session of Bloom book club: Pursue the Intentional Life. It speaks to so many thoughts I’ve had over the past few years. It’s a book every woman should read–in many ways, you’ll be challenged to consider what woman you want to become, now and for all your life.

Which is why I can laugh at the days to come: as long as I’m living, God is at work in and through me to reveal His gospel, His goodness, His glory.

Father, God, thank you for this gift of life and for helping me to see it as such. Lord, I want to know you better and to care most about your concerns. Teach me what it means to steward my time left for your glory and as a blessing to others.  Guard my heart and mind against the assaults of our enemy and forgive me when I hear that noise over your Holy whispers. Thank you for your word and tender mercies. ~ Amen.

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