Please sponsor a child today…!
Had I not had a house seriously overflowing with family last weekend, this week’s Around/About would have been shared then. The beautiful thing about the internet is you can visit blog posts, well, forever, and the words I’m about to share are relevant whenever you read them.
A group of bloggers have just returned from the Dominican Republic, where they visited the local Compassion International field office and several of the local projects and families who benefit from its programs. I had the incredible privilege of traveling on a Compassion blogging trip to Calcutta five years ago, and I remain convinced it’s one of the best organization of its kind.
Sponsoring a child through Compassion is one of the most meaningful things you could ever do, especially if you involve your school-age children. Not only will they gain an international pen-pal, but they’ll see the world through an incredible lens – that of hope despite unimaginable poverty – and they’ll also be blessed as they bless another through their letters. It’s a beautiful way to teach them consideration of others not just in theory but in practice.
Here’s a link to Compassion Blogger highlights from the week, but I hope you’ll take time to visit the entire team. You’ll come away inspired, and I hope, ready to sponsor a child.
Bri McCoy, Compassion Blogger Trip Leader
“…We say yes. Yes. Yes. A thousand yeses. Wondering if it will unfold into some…something.
And then one day. A day that seemed like it would be just a day, breaks open like a piñata you’ve been swinging at for years.
Today was that day for me. I’ll never forget….”
From Not Just a Day || Read all Bri’s Compassion trip posts
Bonnie Gray, friend and author of Spiritual Whitespace and blogger at Faith Barista
“…A college educated man or woman in the Dominican Republic is not exempt from the poverty.
Corruption. Luis tells me, looking into my eyes. Government corruption. Political corruption. Jobs are paid for — by relationship. Who you know determines whether poverty becomes your address….”
From Why Love is Not a Consolation But a Light || Read all Bonnie’s Compassion trip posts
Lisa Leonard, friend and founder of Lisa Leonard Designs
“…When Steve and I asked Josefina to tell us how life is different now that Hilde has a sponsor through Compassion. Her response was, “Everything is different.”
So we pressed for more specifics.
“Can you give us specific examples of things she has now that she didn’t have before?”
This single mom with deep dimples and tired eyes, responded, “Now she has shoes. Now she has food to eat. Now she can go to school.”
Oh. Wow. We let it sink in….”
From The Lump In My Throat || Read all Lisa’s Compassion trip posts
Holley Gerth, friend, incourage co-founder, blogger and author of a BUNCH of books
“…We all have the same mission: love. And yet how we fulfill it varies with each one of us. God will use your strengths, skills, gifts, experiences and resources to touch the lives of others in ways only you can….”
From There is Always a Way to Say “I Love You” || Read all Holley’s Compassion trip posts
Ruth Soukup, blogger and author of Living Well, Spending Less
“…I think sometimes we neglect to act because we wonder if what we have to offer could ever make a difference in a world full of so much need. But this is your chance. I can’t tell you every family’s story, but I can tell this one. You may not be able to save the world but you can make a difference in the life of one family….”
From Breaking the Cycle of Poverty || Read all Ruth’s Compassion trip posts
Amazing trip photography by Mike Varel, Digital Storytelling (all images in the above collage from their Flickr pool).
I started to sponsor a child through Compassion International in December of 2013 as a Christmas gift to myself. It is the best thing I ever did. I cannot tell you how this has blessed me and changed the way I view everything. The best thing is when I get his letters in the mail… it is like when my sons were in grade school and they brought home things they had made for me. They are in their 20’s and I still like to look at their work, but do not get it often !!! My “adopted Compassion son” gives me joy similar to what they did… and his excitement over the smallest gifts I am able to give because we do not have much money ourselves… well I have learned what true deep joy is from him. And he is only 6 !!! Also, I have learned a great deal about how much we have compared to the barest existence they have. He is rich in ways that we have much to learn from. He is an amazing blessing to me… far greater than anything money can buy !!! I would encourage everyone to “just do it !” You will not be sorry… I am hoping to sponsor another child soon. It truly is the best thing I ever did.
Love your post, Robin!!! 🙂 I AGREE! One of the best things you can do is sponsor a Compassion child. 🙂 I started sponsoring Ekram (from Ethopia) maybe 10 years ago. Truly changed my life and everything that came along with it. Which includes the love to sponsor more children. I sponsored one more while I was still single, and when I got married my husband and I sponsored another. My favorite part is reading their sweet letters, and knowing they are learning about Christ’s love for them. Blessings!
p.s. I met you online today, sending you a message about the next bible study.