I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time resisting a great bargain, and half the fun of a scoring a fabulous deal is telling your friends about it, so they, too, can join in the hoopla. Such is the case with the promotion going on right now where new subscribers can get half off their regular price! Using code OMG50 at checkout, you’ll get 50% off — that’s under $25 for products valued between $200-$345! How can I not use excessive bold print and exclamation points for that kind of bargain!?
If you’re also like me, you’ve been seeing this pop up all over the internet from a lot of folks already, and I finally clicked through to see what all the fuss was about. This isn’t much ado about nothing. There are three items every box will include (Aveda Damage Remedy Daily Hair Repair/RV$30, Harper+Ari Exfoliating Sugar Cubes in Juice Cleanse/RV$16, and Human+Kind Body Souffle/RV$18), but you’ll be able to choose from among several others including Anthropologie, Kate Spade, Baublebar, and more!!
DO at least check it out. There’s no long-term commitment, and cancellation is easy. But I’ll think you’re looney tunes if you don’t grab this deal while it’s still half off. From what I’ve read, it’s a rare offer they’re not likely to repeat anytime soon. (Be sure to forward this post to friends who might be interested, too.)
Now, on to book and blog stuff–
It is hard to believe, but For All Who Wander and its companion Journey Guide will be releasing in less than four months (January 14, 2020). It’s been almost a year since I completed the manuscript and months since I turned in my last edits, so when I finally hold this puppy in my hands, it’s going to be surreal…I already know it. It’s available for pre-order now, and I’m touched and kinda amazed when people tell me they’ve already purchased a copy.
Interestingly, there’s a lot of work that takes place during the “in between” — the time between final edits and release, and that’s one of the reasons why I’m quiet on ye olde blog. I’ve been working on a Q&A to pass along to interviewers, preparing for podcast interviews, and writing articles and content that will show up in various places online and in print.
The funniest thing to me is I’m continually interrupted with ideas for next books, and I have to stop what I’m doing RIGHT THEN and jot down all the thoughts before they escape me. I’ve currently got about five ideas going, and I wonder which one will be the first to be completed. I’m pretty sure this frenetic energy is more about procrastination for what needs to be done rather than creative overload. Still, I love it when these ideas emerge. I have resisted book writing for a long, long while because I’m not interested in simply “adding to the noise.” There are plenty of books begging for your attention and purchase, and until and unless I have something of substance and value to add, I’m perfectly content to lay low.
Speaking of my blog, look for changes over the next few months! The picture at the top of this post is from a fun photoshoot in Chattanooga a few weeks ago with my real life friend and amazingly talented photographer, Rich Smith, who captured a few looks that express my personality. It was as hot as 40 hells, I was sweating like a sailor — honestly, I changed outfits twice which required three different bras, and each time they were soaking wet — and that lovely vein in my forehead was working like a boss…and Rich just kept on coaching and encouraging me to have fun.
Wanna see a few more?


to this day, it reminds me of the gift of creative expression.
Your turn: tell me something that’s going on in your world! Deals, creative expression, the fun stuff…or the hard, real life stuff.
I love it best when blogging is a two-way street.
Disclosure: affiliate links included in post.
Looks like you were having fun with the photo shoot. Congratulations on your first book.
It has been a bit busy up here in E. TN. We had a death in our church-older gentleman who was pillar in our church. Few days after funeral we had a revival Sunday-Wednesday. Then Relay for Life (Cancer) meeting. This past Thursday was our survivor dinner. This coming Saturday in down town Elizabethton, TN we will have our Relay for Life Carter County 2019.
Also working part-time at local hospital in ICU Step down as clerical & will work extra days for my co-worker so she can go visit her newest grandchild. Also she is changing meds for her MS. I will add a day every other week for the other secretary. She wants an extra day a week off.
Trying to care for my in-laws. FIL (91) has Stage III bladder cancer. He is getting over UTI. MIL has shoulder & back pain down leg (Sciatic?) Doing what I can for them.
Missed the blog, but understand about writing. Congrats on the book.
Blessings 🙂
Wow, Beth…you life IS busy. But you always seem to manage well with eyes on the cross and feet on the ground. I pray you’re strengthened by the power of God in your life! (Thank you for always being so encouraging. I’m grateful!)
I cannot wait to read your book! Many readers will be blessed by your honest approach to faith.
I’m preparing for two new writing opportunities while enjoying a Bible study on Elijah. See you soon!
Jeannie!!!! This is SO exciting! We need a coffee/lunch date soon to catch up! (I’m so doggone busy, but we NEED to!) xoxo And thank you for your encouragement! You are such a blessing to me. xo
Just pre-ordered your book!
I am starting back to class in 3 weeks after a 11 month break. Once again feeling excitement and fear (at least this time around I know what to expect). I am praying that this year I don’t get bogged down in minutia and can finish all my work on time. I’m also very thankful to be in much better health than I was this time last year.
I’m attending an Enneagram workshop this weekend – that should be interesting!
Oh…Leslie…I would LOVE to be with you at that workshop! When I’ve taken the Enneagram test, I score equally for three numbers–what does it mean??? 🙂
You’re going to do GREAT returning to classes! You seem to have the best outlook about it, and I’m so thankful you’re feeling better. I SO admire your resolve, and tackling this very big thing. I am cheering you on, friend.
Just FYI, it’s Christopher Walken, not Jon Voight.
Bing! Bing! Bing! We have a winner!! Matt was the first (and only) reader who caught my “test” :). Well done, Matt. Well done :).