by Robin | Feb 10, 2015 | Adventures in Germany, friendship, Hospitality, Inspiring, Kitchen, Life Philosophy, Memoir, Personal, Uncategorized
Here from incourage’s Friendship on Purpose series? Won’t you please take a moment to subscribe by email or in a reader? Thank you! “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” ~ Henry Valentine Miller To say living in...
by Robin | May 9, 2014 | (in)courage, Adventures in Germany, Faith, friendship, Life Philosophy, Memoir, Nature, Personal
Last month I returned from Germany with precious cargo: three rocks To siphon memory and draw inspiration, I stacked them on the counter when I began to write this , and that’s exactly what my husband and son saw when they walked into the house that day....
by Robin | Apr 21, 2014 | Adventures in Germany, Europe, Funny Stuff!, Humor, Memoir, Personal, Uncategorized
I’m out of breath riding backwards on a train sitting across from an Asian student who doesn’t speak English but who does speak German. She’s working on an exam of some sort, using a pencil and block eraser and painting her words beautiful, none of...
by Robin | Jan 9, 2013 | Adventures in Germany, Europe, Funny Stuff!
When I visited Venice last summer, one of the most unexpected discoveries was a fair trade shop somewhere off the beaten bath canal, whose name escapes me now (but I probably couldn't say anyway). The shop was overflowing with interesting bags and accessories, but...
by Robin | Dec 24, 2012 | Adventures in Germany, Europe
During our ten-month expatriation to Germany, we had opportunity to visit dozens of churches…spectacular, architectural and artistic wonders, the likes of which would leave my jaw dragging the floor, stunned by their opulent beauty and painstaking detail....
by Robin | Dec 4, 2012 | 31 Days in Europe, Adventures in Germany, Memoir, Personal
I remember our first night in Germany. I can still smell the cold. Taste the new. Feel equal measure of exhiliaration and intimidation. Hear the wonder. See adventure 'round every bend. That first sleep was met after eyes had been wide and ravenous for near 40...