by Robin | Sep 19, 2014 | Advice, Do Something!, Hospitality, Memoir, Personal, Uncategorized
What have you stuffed away in your closet or attic or drawers waiting for the perfect time to use it? What special thing of yours has been packed away, boxed up and long left forgotten? The earrings that once belonged to your grandmother, that bring her to life...
by Robin | Jun 26, 2014 | Advice, Affiliate links used, Encouragement, Family, Favorite things, friendship, Great quotes, Love Gifts, Memoir, Personal, Real beauty, The Wonder of a Woman, Uncategorized, Women
My sister gave me a gift last week and it made me so happy I screamed. Literally. We were alone in my house sitting on my youngest son’s bed, for a reason I can’t recall now. She handed me a package neatly ribboned and wrapped in the brown paper sack from...
by Robin | May 28, 2013 | Advice, Marriage, Personal
We've been married 25 years, a quarter century, over half our lives. No matter how you phrase it, especially in our culture of divorce-made-easy, that's a looong time. I like how my friend Patsy Clairmont puts it, "We've survived each...
by Robin | May 8, 2013 | (in)courage, Advice, Beauty, Faith, Parenting, Personal
"How do I know if I am beautiful?" she asked me. "What is beauty?" "What if I am not good enough?" Her short email wrung tears from my heart. Only then did I realize when I wrote Beauty Marks – an...
by Robin | Oct 8, 2012 | Advice, Parenting, Personal, Teens & Tweens
Years ago in a friend’s living room during a Beth Moore Bible Study (the big hair years), a woman informed me I was going straight to Hell and taking my daughter with me. I had just admitted I was taking my third grade daughter to see Harry Potter and the...
by Robin | Apr 25, 2012 | Advice, Kids, Mom stuff, Mothers and daughters, Parenting, Simple Mom, Teens & Tweens
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. ~ Unattributed Chinese proverb As is often the case, one of the best things a parent can give their teenager is hardly a thing at all: it's room. Room… to make...