by Robin | Feb 14, 2009 | Faith, Family, Kids, Lionhead rabbits, Personal, Pets
Earlier this week when Bananas not only escaped from his pen but was chased to South Dakota by our bunny-lickin' Australian Shepherd, I was certain we had seen the last of him. Even so, I prayed. So did some of you, bless your ever-lovin' hearts,...
by Robin | Jun 3, 2008 | Family, Favorite things, Kids, Lionhead rabbits, Ouch!, Personal, Photos
My new-since-October camera started spazzing out a few months ago, and although it’s under warranty (thank, thank, THANK the Lord!) I haven’t been willing to part with it to have it checked. Since I want–no, make that NEED–it back before...
by Robin | Apr 25, 2008 | Family, Favorite things, Lionhead rabbits, Personal, Photos
Maybe it’s because my own baby is E-LEV-EN- thank-you-very-much, but these bunny kits are causing my maternal instinct to rrroar into overdrive. The BEST thing I can do for them is to keep their mother well fed (she’s eating like a bear!) and leave them...
by Robin | Apr 18, 2008 | Lionhead rabbits, Personal, Pets, Photos, Project Looking Through, Wow!
In photography, scenes and subjects are composed with intent, or at a minimum, the hope is to capture a moment in time. Through the viewfinder, however, details are often not detected until you see the end result. In a shot I took yesterday, my daughter was...
by Robin | Apr 18, 2008 | Lionhead rabbits, Personal, Photos
This post is dedicated to my friend Min, whose deep and abiding feelings for rabbits is unsurpassed. Five. Pippin, the Daddy Bunny "She had HOW MANY babies?!"Pepper, Mama Bunny I’d pull out my own hair, too, if I didn’t have an 18-gauge Touhey...
by Robin | Apr 16, 2008 | Advice, Lionhead rabbits, Oops!, Personal
Pepper and Pippin are fighting like cats and dogs, except it’s bunny vs. bunny…. When I checked on them just now, piles of fur were dotted all over their hutch…. Pepper hasn’t let us hold her in days (she hasn’t always been so...