by Robin | Feb 27, 2017 | Movie reviews, Music, Personal
Mondays are my favorite because they feel like a new year, except every week. I know, I know, statistically heart attacks most often , but I’m not giving in to a statistic. I love a fresh start. It’s why I prefer sunrise to sunset. By this...
by Robin | Apr 16, 2012 | Family, Kids, Life with boys, Mom stuff, Mothers and daughters, Music, Videos, youtube ROCKS!
I like to car dance. It's not like I set out to shake-my-groove-thang when I get in the car; it's more a subconscious respond to happy tunes jammin' on the radio (closet fellow car dancers HOLLA!). My heart spins merry to see someone else at a...
by Robin | Dec 31, 2011 | Favorite things, Holidays, Music, Personal, youtube ROCKS!
From the first time Jovi’s voice met Buddy the Elf’s in “Baby it’s Cold Outside, I’ve had mad love for Zooey Deschanel’s jazzy vocals. Mmmmmm, velvety, musical butter. Delicious. What a treat for she and 500 Days of...
by Robin | Dec 12, 2011 | Family, Friends, friendship, Kids, Music, Teens & Tweens
{This post will be most appreciated by people who actually know us…feel free to click away. 🙂 } "Hey–I've got a GREAT idea!" I tell 'em. "After dinner, break into groups and re-write the lyrics to songs you know and...
by Robin | Dec 6, 2011 | Favorite things, Inspiring, Music, One Thousand Gifts, Personal, Poetry, Weather
{sung to the tune of My Favorite Things, of course!} Rain boots on Robin and soft fuzz of kittens White lights on Christmas trees, soft chenille mittens Coffee with friends, when my tea kettle sings, These are a few of my favorite things. Romantic...
by Robin | Jul 17, 2011 | Faith, Music, youtube ROCKS!
Mark Hall is awfully diplomatic in his new song Courageous, featured in the upcoming film of the same name. Its unspoken battle cry is more like Man! Up!! for goodness sakes! Clearly why I'm not a successful lyricist :). But if you read the...